

新聞界紳士模式被認為是新聞界用來創造輿論的一種模式。該模型由P。巴納姆。新聞士紳宣傳模式試圖遵循單向溝通,即信息從發送方流向接收方(Coombs and Holladay, 2013)。它假定觀眾是被動的觀眾。信息的原始發送方不關心接收方的反饋。他們有相當大的影響力,由媒體創造性的公眾形象的問題(Coombs和Holladay, 2013)。信息從公共關係流向目標受眾。公共信息模型的目的是通過向目標受眾傳播相關和相關的信息來創建組織的角色。公共關係是通過新聞發布、視頻發布和錄音傳播來創建的。
時事通訊和雜誌是用來向目標受眾提供信息,以定位圖像(Coombs和Holladay, 2013)。在這個模型中,有一種單向的通信流,發送方假定聽眾或接收方是被動的支持者。從發送方到接收方有單向的信息流。這是公共信息模式的基本原則。顧名思義,非對稱模型圍繞著兩方之間的溝通展開。在這個模型中,目標受眾通過操縱參與其中,並試圖迫使公眾以他們期望的方式進行互動(Coombs and Holladay, 2013)。在這兩種不對稱模型中,存在著一種利用權力控制結果的實踐。組織不會花費很多資源來決定涉眾或人員的反應。


The Press Gentry model is considered to be a model that was used by the press to create a public opinion. This model was developed by P.T Barnum. The Press Gentry Publicity model tries to follow a one-way communication where there is flow of information from the sender to the receiver (Coombs and Holladay, 2013). It assumes that the audience will be passive audience. The original sender of the information is not concerned with the feedback of the receiver. They have considerable influence by the press to creative public persona about the issues (Coombs and Holladay, 2013). The flow of information takes place from the public relation to the target audiences.The public information model aims at creating a persona of the organization by circulation of relent and related information to the target audiences. Public relations are created by the press release, video release and recorded communication.
The newsletters and magazines are used to present information to the target audience for positioning of an image (Coombs and Holladay, 2013). In this model there is a one way flow of communication where the sender assumes the audience or the receiver to be passive proponents. There is a one-sided flow of information from the sender to the receiver. This is the basic tenets of the public information model.As the name implies two ways asymmetrical model revolves around the communication between the two parties. In this model, target audiences involved through manipulation and try to force the public to interact in the way that they expect (Coombs and Holladay, 2013). In the two ways asymmetrical model, there is a practice of using power to control the outcomes. Organizations do not spend a lot of resources to determine the reaction of the stakeholders or the people.