




However, in the case of the meth addicted person, she states that she wanted to go out every day. She felt she had more energy and was even willing to stay late night every day. She felt she had more reason to feel alive and was worried that the clubbing scenario in her neighborhood closed at around 2 am in the night which she felt was early. Katz argues that the person constructing their own cause for the crime conforms to the notion of an immoral entrepreneur. Uncertainty links with chaos in the way, the meth addicted person made her decision. In a desire to seek continuous action, she was doing things she would not do normally and was indulging in activities she would not normally do on a work night. Meth makes people think they are superhuman (ABC News, 2015). Katz argument that these sort of offenders usually push themselves to the point of exhaustion is true in the case of the addicted person. Also Katz states that these people would try to push into all spontaneous opportunities and would surpass permeable boundaries. Now in the case narrative that the person has given, she talks about how her boyfriend of four and a half years has left her. She does not talk about another permanent boyfriend as such but discusses how her drug helped her with her sexual escapades.
This shows that she could have had multiple sexual encounters with not so serious relationships. In a way this was pushing things beyond normalcy such as what Katz (1988) argues.“Probably my strongest motivation for using it, however, is simply the fact that the drug is illegal. Staying out all night is considered a wicked thing to do by many. Both of these ideas add to the fun, especially if one is pretty straight-laced otherwise. I happen to have a job that often gives me an undue amount of stress because of the amount of dependability required on my part, but I certainly do not have the character of a saint. Crystal can sometimes help me temporarily discard my shell of social (but not personal) responsibility.”(SexVibe Magazine, 1996). The addicted person states that the meth use was more of an escape for them and it was an emotional release. She states that she was very stressed in the work environment that she found the use of meth to be some form of a release.