


马斯洛的需求层次理论是由5 levels-physiological,安全需要,归属、自尊和自我实现需要。层次明确规定员工需要建立有意义的人际关系,需要安全和健康工作场所。钱不发挥作用的任何地方层次结构(Zilla接触,2015)。金字塔还坚称,管理者往往与自我实现方面斗争,因此,他们需要舒适的计时和尊重,可以帮助他们感觉动力在工作场所。Hertzberg 2因素理论关注卫生和动机因素。保健因素包括薪酬、工作安全、工作环境,激励员工。另一方面,Hertzberg还有一个单独的分工问题,涉及dissatisfiers和激励因素。在激励因素的范畴,它包括成就、责任和识别和分类不包括金钱作为动力。

自然,雇主和雇员之间的关系只适用的成就动机是给定的,有趣的工作,责任和发展,而不仅仅是可能有时不能满足员工的奖励。道格拉斯•麦格雷戈已经开发了两个模型——X理论和y理论X理论需要方向,更好的控制和机会作为激励因素的地区。然而,它还要求需要金融奖励在工作中为了满足他的需求。另一方面,员工需要工作满意度、控制、问责制和利用自己的知识能力(卡佛,schey, 2001)。员工感觉完整,当这些照顾。虽然所有这些不同形式的激励因素,这一理论还进一步强调,钱不是唯一或最好的动力,但这只是一个选项,在困难时期员工的工作满足感。


Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is comprised of 5 levels-physiological, safety, belonging, self-esteem and self-actualization. The hierarchy clearly states that the employees need to establish meaningful relationships and require safety and good health at workplace. Money does not play a role anywhere in the hierarchy (Contact Zilla, 2015). The pyramid also insists that managers tend to struggle with the self-actualization aspect and hence, they need comfortable timings and respect that can help them feel motivated at all times within the workplace. Hertzberg’s 2 factor theory focuses on hygiene and motivation factors. The hygiene factors involve the pay, job safety and working conditions that tend to motivate the employees. On the other hand, Hertzberg also has a separate division of work issues that involve dissatisfiers and motivators. Under the category of motivators, it includes achievement, responsibility and recognition and the category does not include money as the motivator.

Naturally, the relationship between an employer and an employee works well only when the motivation is given in terms of achievement, interesting works, responsibility and development and not just rewards that might sometimes not satisfy the employees. Douglas McGregor has developed two models – Theory X and Theory Y. Theory X states the need for direction, better controls and opportunity as the areas of motivators. However, it also demands the need for financial rewards at work in order to fulfill his needs at work. On the other hand, employees require job satisfaction, control, accountability and utilization of one’s own intellectual abilities (Carver and Scheier, 2001). An employee feels complete when these are taken care of. While all these are different forms of motivators, this theory also further highlights that money is not the only or the best motivator but it is just an option that works at the hard times of an employee for fulfillment.