


迁移本质上是一种投资决策,以防迁移涉及预先成本,并且记住未来的回报也不确定。人力资本与移民之间相互关系的研究最早是由Sjaastad(1962)完成的。Becker(1975)也同意这一观点,他指出,为了增加未来收入的净现值,移民必须通过迁移到不同的地方来使用他们的技能,从而提高他们的技能(Unhcr, 2015)。1980年代初,国际移徙的人力资本方法不足以解释移徙工资和收入的决定因素,格林伍德(1977年)首先引用了这一方法。由此产生的模型表明,一个人的效用功能也包括特定地区市场上无法获得的服务和商品(UN, 2015)。便利设施指的是那些并非随处可见的商品,比如风景优美的景色、清新的空气等等。Rosen关于隐含市场和享乐价格的精细工作为这组模型提供了起源(IMF, 2015)。
此外,更高水平的公共设施,如适当的卫生保健服务、良好的基础设施、教育组织和更积极的司法系统,吸引了来自其他国家的移民(瑞士信贷,2015)。希尔兹在1989年提出,人们迁移到遥远的地方,以便最好地融合服务和商品。兰卡斯特(1966)和威利斯(1973)提出的新家庭经济学理论和模型构成了该模型的基础。所有家庭都在不同程度上为自己生产商品和服务。这是新家庭经济学(Calva, L。路易斯·F。拉斯帝格,N。,2010)。然而,为了涵盖所有潜在的迁移因素,需要用其他理论加以澄清。因此,预计为了了解难以捉摸的国际移徙现象,将提出这些模型。它涵盖了以前没有包括的因素(乔凡尼,J。Levchenko,。, & Ortega, F。,2015)。


Migration is essentially an investment decision in case where migration involves up-front costs and keeping in mind that the payoff in the future is also not sure. The study of interrelation between human capital and migration was foremost done by Sjaastad (1962). This view was also shared by Becker (1975) who stated that in order to increase the net present value of future earnings, migrants must use their skills through migrating to different places and thus provide growth of their skills (Unhcr, 2015).In the early 1980s, the human capital approach of international migration was not sufficient to explain the determinants of wages and earnings of migration, and it was first cited by Greenwood (1977). The consequent models stated that the utilityfunction of a person also includes such services and goods which are unavailable in the market of a particular region (UN, 2015). Amenities are those goods that are not universally available like scenic view, clean air, etc. Elaborate work of Rosen on implicitly of market and hedonic prices gave origin to this group of models (IMF, 2015).
Moreover, higher levels of public amenities like proper health care services, good infrastructures, educational organizations, and more active justice system attract migrants from other countries (Credit Suisse, 2015).Shields suggested in 1989 that people migrate to distant places to make the best amalgamation of services and goods. The theories and models of the new household economics, propounded by Lancaster (1966) and Willis (1973) form the basis of this model. All households make goods and services in various degrees for their own usage.This were the basic idea given in new household economics (Calva, L., Luis, F.,&Lustig, N., 2010).However, to cover all the factors underlying migrations needs to be clarified by additional theories. It is thus anticipated that to understand the elusive phenomenon of international migration, such models will be proposed. Itcovers the factors not included earlier (Giovanni, J.,Levchenko, A., & Ortega, F., 2015).