


The political condition of Turkey is quite stable. The laws, rules and civil liberties have been enhanced actively. Besides this, the country has fast economic growth rate and substantially lower trade barriers owing to the countries customs union with the European Union (Etzel, Walker & Stanton, 2007). Moreover, due to the lower income tax rate (20%), the foreign business organizations are attracted, and it is one of the important drivers for FDI (foreign direct investment). According to the World’s Bank business report, 2015 initiating a business in Turkey is easy in comparison to the other developed countries. Hence, the political situation is favourable for Aston Martin’s expansion plan in Turkey (Dawson, 2015).
Economic Factors
The Turkey had a faster economic growth rate in comparison to China and Brazil and considered as one of the biggest economic power. The country is succeeded in drawing a high flow of FDI (foreign direct investment) in order to support the economic growth immensely. Besides this, the privatization is a significant factor of its speedy expansion and fast economic growth. The money from the FDI has been invested in the infrastructure development in this country, which can influence the economic growth of the country. However, recently the country has seen a deficit in the current account, which can impede the economic growth of the country (Lehmann & Winer, 2008).
Social Factors
In Turkey, it is observed that the proportion of young people is increasing with respect to the half of the total population of the country which is below 30. Hence, the country is increasing its employment rate as the country is obtaining most of the young labour force. This is beneficial for the company as they get available young labours. Consequently, it increases the employability rate of the country, hence there is a scarcity of skilled labour, and the companies have to arrange the learning and training programs for the new recruitments. Apart from this, with the fast growing economy, the society is also rich (Doole, Lowe & Kenyon, 2016).
Technological Factors
The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector of the Turkey has been developed significantly. The telecommunication sectors have been privatized by the government, and it influences significant level of growth in the telecommunication sectors in this country. The country’s ICT market reaches to a new height in a constant basis. It provides substantial technological strength to the country.
Legal Factors
Turkey has a comprehensive legal structure that is the legal strength of the country. Besides this, the government of the country is strict on the law and enforce the law hen required. The robust framework of the country has important legal advantages for the business organizations (Onkvisit & Shaw, 2012).
Environmental Factors
The prosperous biodiversity is the environmental strength of Turkey, and the country has rich natural resources. The country has ranked 9th among the European countries on biodiversity. Increasing pollution is environmental challenges for the country (Doyle, 2013).

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