


The infographic shows that killing the victims and affecting the immune system are the key similarities in the functioning of these deadly viruses in the human body. Taking West Africa into consideration, this region has topped in the number of Ebola victims and over 4000 victims have died because of this virus. While AIDS can be detected in just months or even years, Ebola virus is known to have an incubation period of 2-21 days. The symptoms are very much visible within 8-10 days (Hello, 2016). The only difference in the longevity of virus in the human body is as follows.
Ebola kills about 70% of victims within few days of infection. On the other hand, AIDS takes years and at times, few months to kill the victims.
The differences in outcomes are evaluated in terms of economic impacts. Sub Saharan Africa region is taken for the cases of Ebola and AIDS.
The figure clearly indicates that the impact on GDP is high in Tanzania when compared to Zambia and Zimbabwe. The reason is that the number of victims exists in these regions. Tanzania records the highest number of AIDS victims in 2010 which is the reason for its negative impact in GDP of the country (Hello, 2016).

Three core countries – Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone are taken for the study. High Ebola is observed in Sierra Leone region and about $439 million is lost. This affected its GDP on a longer run. On the other hand, low Ebola in 2015 created greater effects in GDP in Liberia. The image highlights the millions of dollars that have been lost in terms of GDP of a country.
From both the charts, it is evident that the viruses have affected GDP and led to loss of victims. This widely created an increase in unemployment rate and high costs for healthcare. Despite the social mobilization and immediate emergency responses activated by the governments, these viruses shook the leaders of affected countries for instant solution which was impossible. World Health Organization (WHO) reports that there are about 1,000,000 deaths every year because of HIV/ AIDS and soon after the epidemics of Ebola, the number of death is growing from 20,000 which imply huge losses to the countries.

Throughout this report, it is noted that AIDS and Ebola viruses have not received sufficient medical support and educational assistance which is the reason for continuous outbreak and loss in GDP. With economists support, it is feasible to prepare better budgeting and forecasting systems for the affected countries. As already stated, prevention of these viruses is better than cure so that it creates awareness among people. Eventually, it is important to tackle these diseases in the future with better technologies, widespread support from United Nations (UN) and WHO.

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