


除了上述提到的大数据的局限性,大数据集的分析是一个复杂的过程。无法用通用程序处理或分析庞大的数据集。他们的处理需要特定的仪器和专门的方法。因此,它是一个事实,分析大数据是组织的一个挑战。(呵,T.,护城河,H. S.,斯坦利,H. E.,2013)。


Information contains various formats such as different sizes, texts, pictures, etc. big data information management is a challenge for organizations on one hand but at the same time, on the other hand it enables organizations to become more innovative and thought oriented. They gain faster and immediate access to their clients. This requires quick and fast processing of the received information.

Other limitations of big data include storage, search, capture, transfer, sharing, visualization and analysis of data. As big data contains enormous amounts of information, it is not easily storable. It requires appropriate and ample space for storage. Furthermore, the organization of big data is also not so easy. It needs to be properly organized, managed and classified in order to review and retrieve as and when required. (Tom, K., 2012).

Furthermore, the organization of big data is also not so easy. It needs to be properly organized, managed and classified in order to review and retrieve as and when required. Hence, data storage and data organization are considered to be the major limitations of big data. Moreover, transfer of huge amounts of data and information is also a very complicated phenomenon. Similarly, sharing big data among several organizations and even inside the same organization is not so easy. Huge data sets are difficult to export.

In addition to the above mentioned limitations of big data, analytics of large data sets is a complex procedure. Huge data sets cannot be processed or analyzed by using generalized procedures. Their processing requires specific instruments and specialized methods. Hence, it is a fact that analyzing big data is a challenge for the organizations. (Preis, T., Moat, H. S., & Stanley, H. E., 2013).

Genomics, meteorology, environmental and biological research, complicated physical simulations are some examples of the various fields where limitations due to huge data sets are faced by the scientists on regular basis. Furthermore, business and finance informatics and internet search are also influenced due to limitations of big data.