


功利主义是一种结果主义的道德理论,它强调人的最大利益。整体利益的最大化比责任或道德义务更重要(Sen et al, 1982)。明在一家公司工作,公司要求他专注于自己的职责,那就是遵守规则。根据功利主义,这是不道德的。他还应该考虑最大的利益,在这种情况下,这将意味着对所有人都有好处(Goodin, 1995),而不仅仅是明,店主和Modoxolin的制造商。对所有涉及的患者都有好处,必须考虑整个药房系统。推广Modoxolin将意味着患者付出更多,也意味着对Condoitin和其他人的不公平竞争。根据这一伦理理论,明建议顾客只买莫道尔索林是不符合伦理的。Ming应该建议客户购买Condoitin,因为只有在这个推荐中才能找到利益相关者的最大用途。

康德理论是一种义务论的道德理论。根据康德普遍接受和尊重的原则,一个人在任何情况下都应该以他认为其他人都应该采取的方式行事。这是第一个提法,它被表述为“只根据应当成为[自然]普遍法则的那一准则行事”。”(Teson, 1992)。在这里,行为的后果,比如一个人是否会因此而得到幸福,或者一个人是否会得到5美元的佣金,比如明,都不重要。可以说,明在执行店主的命令时,是在履行自己的职责。同样,在普遍意义上,大多数员工会听从雇主的命令。然而,这并不是康德所说的“普遍性”。在这里,Universal指的是在任何情况下,不考虑员工和雇主的后果(Ming被威胁说他将在试用期满后被解雇)。根据康德对人性的尊重,明推荐吊唁再次成为当务之急。


Utilitarianism is a consequentialist moral theory according to which the maximum good of the people must be focused on. The maximization of the overall good is given more importance than duty or a moral obligation (Sen et al, 1982). Ming is working in a company and has been instructed to focus on his duty which is to follow the rule. According to Utilitarianism, this is not ethical. He should also consider the maximum good which in this case would mean good for everybody (Goodin, 1995), not just Ming, the shopkeeper and the makers of Modoxolin. Good for all the patients involved and the entire pharmacy system must be considered. Promoting Modoxolin would mean that patients pay more and it would also mean unfair competition for Condoitin and others. According to this ethical theory, it would not be ethical for Ming to advise customers to buy only Modolxolin. Ming should advise customers to buy Condoitin, as maximum use for stakeholders is found only in this recommendation.

Kantian theory is a deontological moral theory. According to the Kantian principles of universal acceptability and respect, a person should act in any situation in a way that they believe everyone else should act. This is the first formulation and is stated as “Act only on that maxim through which it should become a universal law [of nature].” (Teson, 1992). Here, the consequences of actions, such as whether one would get happiness as a consequence or whether one would get a 5$ commission such as Ming is offered, will not matter. It can be argued that in following the shopkeeper’s orders, Ming would follow his duty. Also in a universal sense, most employees will follow the orders of their employer. However, this is not the ‘universality’ that Kant states. Universal here should be taken to mean in any situation, irrespective of employee employer consequences (Ming was threatened that he would be let off after probation). According to the Kantian respect for humanity, it once again becomes imperative that Ming recommend Condoitin.