論文 代寫:觀音畫像的解讀


論文 代寫:觀音畫像的解讀

論文 代寫:觀音畫像的解讀

The art work is also found to depict Guanyin which means an enlightened being that spreads enlightenment wherever he goes. He is often worshipped for the compassion in him. There is a profound meaning in this posture. While on one hand, it shows the royal ease of the person. The other hand shows the enlightenment that Guanyin does (Gyatso). The enlightenment here is on kindness and compassion that can serve thousand arms and also end the sufferings around. This spreads the joy of fulfillment and also bestows people with the thought of humbleness despite the higher attainment. Bodhisattva is known for the luminous nature and the perfection in patience. The closed eyes clearly denote the patience within. It is hard to achieve meditative concentration and that is feasible only when a person understands and follows all the virtues. Spirituality is important in life but it is essential for every person to understand the essence of spirituality and this pose means the same. The emotional maturity is visible from the age perceived from this sculpture. Buddhism, as a religion, has spread its wings on the concept of peace and happiness. However, Bodhisattvas are known to have their legacies spreading till date because of the reason that they completely adopt virtues and give greater significance to them. This sculpture again has its significance not because it is a form of Bodhisattva but because of the background history and the message through it.