

论文代写价格:D&O责任保险的历史与现状。D&O责任和保险起源于20世纪30年代,当时个人财务保护和保险开始变得重要。多年来,随着组织和管理团队的风险敞口不断扩大,为保护其上级建立高管掩护变得至关重要。个人财务保护制度随着《证券法》(Miller, 1992年)的出台而得到改进。与早期相比,20世纪60年代的公司赔偿变得更加普遍。当管理出现问题时,指派他们处理问题的组织就有责任了。然而,在上世纪60年代进行的调查中,证据确凿的显示,只有不到10%的公司为员工提供了人身保护。到了20世纪70年代,D&O保险有了更好的更新。这是市场上较新的保险公司的直接结果,也是将组织收益与竞争区分开来的需要(LoPucki & Whitford, 1993)。两种保险形式在当时非常流行,分别是董事和高管保险和企业报销保险。接下来美国论文代写专家为同学们介绍下D&O责任保险的历史与现状。

D&O保险是一种向组织的主管人员提供保护的类型,即使在没有观察到存在适当的公司赔偿时,这种保护也存在。另一方面,企业报销范围是当发生索赔成本时,试图保护公司的资产负债表(Shaffer, 2000)。这是在赔偿管理方面。20世纪80年代和90年代,随着D&O保险的兴起和股票市场的活动,许多针对D&O的索赔导致保险市场重新考虑保单范围、保险费和其他与保险相关的实体(Nimmer & Feinberg, 1989)。

2012年在澳大利亚发生了集体诉讼,表明D&O保险的意识有所提高。集体诉讼是一种威胁,2012年尤其可以被称为分水岭之年,因为仅在今年就进行了超过2亿美元的和解。这些形式的集体诉讼表明,有必要制定强有力的保险政策来保护组织和管理层(Davis等,1991年;Keay, 2003)。例如,以Maryville Black周六的森林火灾事件为例,据报道,保险或缺乏保险是导致案件结果的一个因素。”同样,它还报道说,任何集体诉讼的可行性与Hastie集团(因涉嫌违反信息披露要求与预测下调)将取决于是否有基金仍在倒塌的群体中,或者如果公司实收董事责任保险”(澳大利亚公司董事协会,2013年,帕拉。5).自安然事件以来,保险实践被认为在实施中更加有力,私人公司和非营利组织(至少80%)都承担了某种形式的责任,以保护他们的管理(澳大利亚,公司董事协会,2013年)。然而,在这一演变过程中需要理解的一件重要的事情是,并非所有的管理责任保险都将与高管保险相同(澳大利亚公司董事学会,2013年)。事实上,基本的D&O政策结构仍然保留着保护高管的条款,尤其是增加了。D&O的一些发展领域是在财务裁决和应用可分割性等方面(Alces, 20009;迪克森,2003)。现代法律格局已经发生了很大变化,针对高管提出的索赔类型也有所增加(汤姆森,2000年)。Side-C实体保险,雇佣责任实践和更多的威胁到行政和发展新的创造保险条款已经成为必要。Side A DIC是一种很受欢迎的高管报道,被许多公司使用(Heaton, 2004)。

The D&O insurance was of the type where protection was afforded to the executives of the organization and this protection existed even when no proper corporate indemnification was observed to have existed. The Corporate Reimbursement coverage, on the other hand, was one that sought to protect the balance sheet of the company when claims costs were incurred (Shaffer, 2000). This was in the context of indemnification of management. With the rise in D&O insurance and the activities of the stock market in the 1980s and 1990s, many claims were made on D&O that led the insurance market to reconsider the policy coverage, premium and other entities associated with insurance (Nimmer & Feinberg, 1989).

Class action lawsuits in Australia in 2012 and indicates a better awareness of D&O insurance. Class actions were a threat and 2012 in particular can be termed a watershed year as more than $200 million in settlements were conducted in this year alone. These form of class actions show the necessity of having strong insurance policies to protect organizations and the management (Davis et al., 1991; Keay, 2003). For instance, consider the Maryville Black Saturday bushfire incident as an example where it was reported that insurance or the lack of it was a contributor to the outcome of the case. “Similarly, it was also reported that the viability of any class action in relation to the Hastie Group (for alleged breaches of disclosure requirements in relation to forecast downgrades) would depend on whether any funds remained within the collapsed group, or if the company had paid-up D&O liability insurance” (Australian Institute of Company Directors, 2013, para. 5). Insurance practices were considered to be stronger in implementation since the Enron struggle and private companies and non-profit organizations both (at least 80 per cent) carry some form of liability coverage for protecting their management (Australia, Institute of Company Directors, 2013). However, an important thing to understand in this evolution is that not all management liability coverage will be the same as coverage for executives (Australian Institute of Company Directors, 2013). In fact, basic D&O policy structures remained provisions to protect executives in particular grew. Some of the areas of evolution of D&O are with respect to financial adjudication and application severability etc. (Alces, 20009; Dickerson, 2003). Modern legal landscape has changed much, and the type of claims being raised against the executive has increased (Thomson, 2000). Side-C entity coverage, employment liability practices and more threaten the executive and developments of newer creating provisions for coverage that has become necessary. Side A DIC is a popular executive coverage used by many companies (Heaton, 2004).

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