


Organization can set up an anti-bullying policy. There can be clearly defined ethical guidelines to handle bullying. This is one of way to combat workplace bullying. In this policy should indicate what kind of actions is defined as bullying and what penalize actions will be taken against offenders. This policy must to disseminate to all staff through various corporate programs such as performance planning review. For one thing, the role of this policy is increase employees’ awareness about the commitment the organization has towards a non-bullying environment. Meanwhile, it useful because of it provide a clear direction to all staff, what behavior should not be tolerated in workplace.(Johnson 2010) Organizational policies as an explicit statement point out what attitude of an organization take on a certain issue. This statement as a written commitment gave by companies, which state that organization will fair deal with the issue of bullying and try to protect staff away from bullying. It enhances trust from employees (Johnson 2010) Anti-bullying policy is a pre-emptive management in workplace. Firstly, it clearly defines what kinds of behavior are unacceptable in workplace. Apart from this it gives each employee right take action against bullying. (Martin & Paul, 2013)

According to Brecht (yr), there are four steps to reduce the rates of bullying occurring in workplace. First of all, No matter workplace bullying actually exists or not, set up reasonable steps to help identify whether it exists. In this step employers should consider the requirement of work and the procedures of work, to determine there are no factors may lead to bullying occur in workplace, Pay attention on the system of

Initially the company should analyze the workplace and identify the places and the specific situations where the workers might be harassed. Then they should assess the impact of the risk and develop an action plan to reduce the risk. The third step is that they should control these events and ensure that they are reduced or completely removed. There should be continual monitoring to ensure that this issue has been successfully handled by the company.

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