

论文代写价格-谷歌对波特的五种力量的运用。对于管理者来说,谷歌的环境是复杂的,因为商业环境从根本上是由多个因素和事件条件组成的。这些都是对部门各种组织来源的影响(Carter, 2009)。这些条件是相互联系的,并发展出相互沟通的有影响力的集合。通过波特五力模型可以更好地理解谷歌管理者所处环境的不可控因素(Qian et al., 2013)。这个模型是确定谷歌所面临的机遇和威胁的关键。在分析本组织的微观经济学时,它被视为一种工具。这是与谷歌组织直接相关的事务。谷歌可以在其经营领域内拥有强大的实力和竞争能力(Cateora, 2008)。波特的五种力量得到了充分的利用,在这五种力量中,市场的理解是可以获得的,在这五种力量中,波特的组织是可以运作的。

Within this context, the global environmental effect on the four primary forces of factors concerning the environment is natural (Hofstede, 2009). The revolution of Information Communication Technology (ICT) and globalization are regarded as significant effect in the present global environment of Google. The automated technology’s utilization combined with e-commerce has resulted in replacement of manual processes along with workplace.

Power of Supplier
In this instance, Google possess a benefit as it functions on regional level and holds more than single or individual supplier. Hence, if the relationship with one of the supplier is deteriorated than another supplier takes the place of primary one. Moreover, the competition within the market has been eradicated by Google through gaining the trust of its competitor organization and market leader namely Microsoft (Drucker, 2007). All of the tools are functioned upon the systems of Microsoft which is regarded as the major competitor of this organization. However, the concern lies in a scenario wherein it is viewed that if Apple and Microsoft modify their operating systems to limit the support towards Google then it will result in the tools developed by Google to function improperly along with surfacing of a forward integration threat (Hofstede, 2009). Hence, in this scenario, it can be concluded that the supplier power of Google is low relatively because of the majority of information available online being free for accessibility.
Threat of substitutes
No costs of switching and preferences of the buyers towards search engines of increased speed and accuracy are two major threats experienced by Google. In an addition, there is a demand among the users for improves services without any cost at all to remain loyal towards this organization (Hofstede, 2009). The revenues from advertisement are dependent entirely on the amount of clicks that are made on a particular ad. Hence, if the loyal customers’ number reduces, it will result in overall decrement in the total revenue of the organization. There is another concern that the intelligent employees are rarely found in the market. Therefore, if Google loses even one such employee to the rival organizations then it can negatively affect the organization (Carter, 2009). However, it is considered that such threats are unable to impact Google as an organization since all of the search engines offer functions that are similar to each other and no substitute product has yet emerged within this domain.

Google is the shareholder of market as per researcher Tullian (2013). It is found that more than 75 per cent of the market share is held by Google with Yahoo following its lead at very small percentage. Google is further catering to the demands of its users for free of cost due to the same reason. The buying power in such situation is still medium (Cateora 2008). This is due to the extremely high demand of the search engines and the reliance of users over search engine for their day to day activities.
It is to consider that the managers of Google has remained focus on these aspects to maintain the market share in the operating industry and the managers have continuously acted upon the uncontrollable environmental factors through modifying the internal environment of this organization (Hofstede, 2009). This has enabled Google to win numerous awards, maximize the profitability, improvised their offered services, new developments have been introduced and it has eliminated majority of market competition along with combating its weaknesses (Drucker, 2007). Managers have played major contributing role within sophistication of its business strategy to obtain desired organizational results.

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