

系統軟件的實施將涉及四種不同類型的成本,這些成本將在預算中同時考慮到這兩種用戶的成本:實施服務成本、硬件成本、維護費和軟件許可費。使用中級市場會計軟件許可軟件的實際成本可以用一種更容易的方法找到。再往前,考慮到維護費用,在計算維護費用的價值時,通常需要將軟件列出的價格加上18%的成本(Brown & Harvey, 2011)。考慮到硬件成本,將需要購買一個新的和不同的服務器,同時升級SQL server許​​可證或工作站來運行新的系統軟件。實施服務成本是系統軟件預算中最大的一個方面,其中成本估算和避免超額支付是關鍵難點。實現服務的成本將包括需求分析、安裝、配置、數據轉換或遷移、報告和定制(Brusilovsky & Millan, 2007)。
計算總成本的第一步是計算軟件列出的價格,然後將其翻倍。這還需要根據個人喜好作出適當調整,然後由用戶全面重新評估所定的預算。也可以重新考慮基於訂閱或基於融資的軟件。為了盡量減少系統軟件實施過程中的干擾,數據和軟件多樣性將根據路由協議的不同屬性進行定制。這將確保在運行系統時避免錯誤行為。容錯路由器將在路由軟件中執行多種多樣的實例,同時使用投票來決定最終的輸出(Sato et al., 2010)。將設計和實現路由器管理程序,確保與其他路由器並行的透明性,同時處理故障引導和對新路由實例的檢測。在目前的動態路由協議中,將會有投票的性能,而不需要跨多個實例修改軟件。


There will be an involvement of four different types of costs in the implementation of system software that are to be considered in the budget for both the users that are costs of: implementation services, hardware, maintenance fees, and software license fees. The actual cost for licensing the software with the mid-market software of accounting can be found in an easier way considerably. Further ahead, considering the maintenance fees, there will be a typical need of adding 18 per cent of the cost to the price listed for the software in calculating the value of maintenance fee (Brown & Harvey, 2011). Considering the cost of hardware, there will be a need for purchasing a new and different server, while upgrading SQL server licenses or workstations for running the new system software. The cost of implementation services is the biggest aspect in the budget of system software, with key difficulties involved in the estimation of cost and avoidance of excess payment. The cost of implementation services will include the analysis of requirements, installation, configuration, data conversion or migration, reporting and customization (Brusilovsky & Millán, 2007).
The initial step to be taken up for the calculation of overall cost is calculating the price listed for the software, and henceforth, doubling it. This further requires appropriate adjustment as per individual preferences, followed by the overall re-evaluation of the budget set by the user. There can also be a reconsideration of subscription based or financing based software. In order to minimize the disruptions involved in the implementation of system software, data and software diversity will be tailored in accordance with the different attributes of routing protocols. This will ensure the avoidance of buggy behaviour while running the system. The router tolerant of bug will be executing a number of diversified instances in software of routing, while using votes for the determination of final output (Sato et al., 2010). There will be designing and implementation of router hypervisor ensuring the transparency of parallelism towards other router, while handling fault booting and detection over new instances of routing. There will be performance of voting in the present dynamics of routing protocol, without the need of modifying the software across diversified instances.