Categories: 论文代写




Social Economic Conditions of Canada

Since Canadians are “rich”, they do not need to worry about basic living standards and diseases. This indicates that the citizens living in Canada will have relatively reluctant resources for education.
As a developed country, Canadian education ranks among the best. In the year 2008, approximately 4.77% of Canada’s total GDP was used for public spending on education (World Bank, 2008). The costs consisted of current and capital public expenditures on education such as government spending on education institutions, and education administration and also the subsidies for private entities. From Table 5, one can see the same trend for past 40 years. Public spending on education in Canada dropped one hundred percent from 8.51% in the year 1976 and has been decreasing continuously. However, it doesn’t suggest that Canadians are ignoring the importance of education. On the contrary, the total GDP of Canada has been increasing dramatically in last hundred years, one would be considered blind if he sees the same on the trend line. If one focuses on the period after 2000, one would see that GDP was increasing sharply until 2010 and the spending on education decreased from 5.64% to 4.77%. Calculations would suggest that the public spending on education in Canada is increasing steadily.
The education system in Canada has been improving and is getting modified since the end of World War Two which happened in 1945. It has been almost seventy years but the findings suggest that the citizenship education policy and programming in Canada is inadequate. Citizenship training initiatives lacks political leadership and financial resources. The newcomers to Canada have inadequate basic citizenship education curriculum (Richet E, 2007).

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