論文 代寫:蘋果公司


論文 代寫:蘋果公司
關鍵的缺點在於它需要花費大量的時間和精力。該公司試圖與不同的企業找到正確的合作夥伴關係的方法需要花費大量的時間。然而,在公司的某些層面上,這可能具有挑戰性(Lai, 2012)。蘋果公司是一個來自美國的組織,在讚比亞的非洲地區建立公司將涉及文化差異。另一個區別在於經營業務的方式不同。因此,在這種情況下,合資企業會導致各方之間的衝突,導致不好的整合和不好的合作。主要的非公平進入模式有幾個缺點。這是明顯的,因為目標市場的看法。這種觀點認為,一個局外人,作為一個投資機構是參與其中的。企業的客戶和合作夥伴在與一個沒有投資意願的組織打交道時會更加猶豫;努力和時間建立基於市場的實體存在。
面臨的其他不利因素是,出口商可能面臨更高的運輸成本和採購出口關稅(尼爾森和薩比娜,2011)。此外,必須處理被許可方對生產的控制不足的問題,並在許可協議條款中存在限制。例如,可以解釋谷歌公司的情況。在考慮出口時,谷歌將涉及金融性質的風險。在同一期間的付款和收款將比在國內環境下的銷售花費更多的時間,而且這可能涉及更多的複雜性。因此,谷歌在進行國際交易時需要謹慎權衡金融性質的風險(O’cass, 2012)。除此之外,尋找海外市場的數據非常成問題,可能需要比尋找數據和分析國內市場更多的時間。例如,在較不發達的國家內,關於商業慣例、市場特點和文化障礙的可靠性質的資料將不會適當地提出。

論文 代寫:蘋果公司

The key disadvantage lies in the fact that it takes a lot of time and efforts. The method engaged by the company in trying to find the correct partnership and relationship with distinct businesses takes a lot of time. However, this can be challenging at some level of the company (Lai, 2012). Apple Inc. is an organization from United States and establishing the company within African region of Zambia would involve cultural differences. Another difference lies in the different ways by which business is conducted. Therefore joint venturing in this situation leads towards conflicts between the parties leading towards bad integration and bad cooperativeness. The key non-equity modes of entry have several disadvantages. This is noticeably because of the view of the target market. This view is that an outsider, as an investing organization is involved. Customers and partners of businesses would have more hesitation when dealing with an organization that does not have desire for investing capital; effort and time for establishing market based physical presence.
Other disadvantages faced are the facts that exporters can face higher costs of transportation and duties of export from the sourcing (Nielsen and Sabina, 2011). Additionally, licensees have to be dealt with inadequate control over production and there would exist limitations within the licensing agreement terms. For example, the case of Google Inc. can be explained. Google would have risks of financial nature involved when considering exporting. The payment period and collection during the same would consume more time than sales in the domestic environment and this further can involve more complications. Therefore, Google needs to weigh the risks of financial nature in a careful manner when doing transactions internationally (O’Cass, 2012). Apart from this, looking for data over foreign markets is very problematic and can involve more time than looking for data and analysing the markets at domestic level. For example, within countries that are less developed, information of reliable nature over practices of business, characteristics in the market and barriers of culture would not be present appropriately.