

男性的攻擊性比女性更強。這是一個普遍的觀察。男性往往具有更強的攻擊性荷爾蒙,他們處理問題的第一直覺是通過蠻力。另一方面,女性在解決衝突方面是天生的。他們喜歡把問題談清楚。然而,在當今時代,這些方面都被誤導了。一般來說,人可以分為A型人格和B型人格。 A型人格是一種更具侵略性、野心勃勃的人格。一般來說,人們暗示壓力是A型人格的主要因素。 B型人格是指那些試圖通過使用語言和令人信服的手勢來緩解壓力和與他人衝突的人。通常情況下,人們認為B型人格更溫和,壓力更小(Craighead, Miklowitz, & Craighead, 2013)。然而,B型人格的人有很多內部的個人衝突和壓力觸發器。
壓力對各種性格的有形和情感影響需要加以解釋。有很多關於壓力能對人產生影響的有形身體的文獻。也有很多關於壓力管理的文獻。然而,壓力仍然存在於社會中,大多數人仍然生活在長期的壓力之下。因此,有必要開展更多的研究,以解決壓力的根本原因,實際上減輕社區的壓力。研究發現,壓力存在於社區的不同模式中。大多數人都意識到由壓力引起的問題,但壓力仍在繼續。 B型人格的人傾向於把壓力藏在心裡,這讓他們感到更加焦慮和壓力。這意味著目前的研究是不可行的,需要更多的研究來解決社區的壓力問題。


In the case of men, there is more aggression than the women. This is a general observation that has been made. Men often tend to have more aggressive hormones and their first instinct to handle the issues is through brute force. The women on the other hand are natural at resolving conflicts. They prefer to talk through the issues. However, in the current times, these aspects have been deluded. In general, people can be classified into Type A personality and Type B personality.Type A personality is a more aggressive ambitious personalities. The people in general allude stress to be the main factor for these Type A personality. The Type B personality are the individuals who try to reduce a stressful situation and conflicts with the other person through the use of words and convincing gestures. More often than not, it is assumed that these Type B personality are softer and have less amount of stress (Craighead, Miklowitz, & Craighead, 2013). Nevertheless, the people having Type B personality have a lot of intra personal conflicts and stressful triggers.
The tangible and the emotional impact of stress on the kinds of personalities need to be deciphered. There is a lot of literature on the tangible body that impact stress can cause on the people. There are also a lot of literature that discusses about stress management. However, stress continues to exist in the societies and is a majority of the people still continue to live under chronic stress. Hence there is a need to develop more research to address the underlying causes of stress to actually alleviate stress in the communities.Stress is found to exist in different models in the communities. Majority of the people are aware of the issues that stem from stress nevertheless continue to exhibit stress. Type B personality people tend to keep their stresses inside causing them to feel more agitated and stressful. This signifies that the current research is not feasible and more research is needed to address the issues of stress in the communities.