

論文代寫推薦-新好萊塢的時期。新電影工業的成功在於其獨特性和自由性。然而,舊的電影制片廠制度卻沒有這些東西。控制權在生產者手中。新好萊塢可以為電影的新市場做出貢獻,並生產出許多大片,包括暴力、性和所有這些在制作代碼中被禁止的東西。新好萊塢是一個非常複雜的時期,與經濟、技術和美學因素交織在一起(Schatz, 2004)。美國電影工業在1969年至1973年期間采取了反制措施,使觀眾重返影院。那時出現了多廳影院,電影院的屏幕更寬,制作電影的預算也更大。這是通向新好萊塢的新途徑。經典的電影制作時期告訴我們,電影不能孤立地制作。它需要經濟、技術和工業因素的支持(Shiel, 2006)。因此,新好萊塢被認為是新的,因為它承認這些不同因素的重要性。接下來論文范文論文代寫推薦-新好萊塢的時期分享給留學生閱讀。

The new rating system established for the films stated that directors could shoot the scene according to their wish and in certain ways, but it had resulted in film receiving the R rating rather than M rating . Films could be released and audiences were allowed to watch them. The rating system provided the new creative freedom to the film directors. Film industry was able to target the young audiences . Plenty of the things were new about the Hollywood Renaissance, which became the significant reason for the evolution of the term “New Hollywood”. The newness about the new Hollywood film makers was that some of them did not even have the knowledge about script writing (like Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow) and technical knowledge about direction, yet they wrote and directed what they wanted to see.

The success of the new film industry lay in their uniqueness and freedom. Nevertheless, the old studio system lacked all such things. Control was in the hands of the producers. The new Hollywood can contribute to new market of films and produce many block buster movies including violence, sex and every such thing that was banned under the Production Code. The New Hollywood was a very complex period that was intertwined with economic, technological, and aesthetic factors (Schatz, 2004). The American film industry during the period of 1969 to 1973 used the counter measures to drive the audiences back to the theatres. Multiplex cinema had emerged, cinemas had wider screens, and the films were made with bigger budgets. This was the new approach to New Hollywood. The classical film making period has taught that films can’t be made in isolation. It requires the support of economic, technological, and industrial factors (Shiel, 2006). Therefore, New Hollywood is considered as new for it acknowledged the importance of these different factors.

New Hollywood can also be regarded as the space that allowed the independent and alternative cinema to survive in America. The “New Hollywood” filmmaking of the late 1960s and 1970s been considered “new” due to the new generation of the film makers, writers, directors, and executives introduced (Corrigan, 2007). New Hollywood also brought many new changes in the concept and technology of film making, which significantly replaced the old studio system.

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