




The above charts represents the sales and profits for the past four years (figures represented in £ M). The revenues have increased year on year but what’s impressive that they have improved their margins by 10% increase in net profits from last year. These are great results if we are analyzing the company independently but the company being a part of society we have to compare it along with its competitors to measure true success. A.B. Foods greatest competitors like Nestle and Tesco PLC, if they are also enjoying the same level of success then A.B. Foods are just following the tide and by means not pioneering the industry as it once did when they introduced sliced bread in the ‘30s. In an industry which provides the basic necessity to its customers demand is never a problem, it is the innovation and the service delivery which keeps it ahead. In an industry showing upwards of 6% growth per year, A.B. foods have done well to be one of the leaders and more importantly a trusted name over the years to maintain its sales and also improving its efficiency so as to increase their profits.