


There is increase in risks to weaken supervision that is suggested that developing of the official standards of inspection (Smith, 2003). This makes sure duty among the different supervision companies. Owing to the account of the problem that is related to overlapping of the duties and the unclear boundaries, an official document is required that is concerning punishment and incentives. This Network rail needs to adhere to the regulations and be responsible for providing of the safe journey to the consumer without the different financial difficulties.
Added to this, the company needs to continually evaluate the processes to ensure that safety is maintained. There must be more education and training given to the people to improve the processes between the different stakeholders.

The aim of the analysis was to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the Network rail and the Potters railway crash. This is aimed at the incident where relevant analysis was done. These are paying attention to the internal warning signals in the inception stage. The companies were initially made aware of the different issues and the plausible issues. These were overlooked in the process. The second important factors were the lack of ownership and accountability in the Potter Bar. The reason was the inefficient inspection regime showing a lack of competent design and the lack of safety requirements. The companies need must have factored the different goal risks and develop an agenda to meet the requirements of all the stakeholders involved in the process. The Network Rail paid less attention to the improvement of the network maintenance. This improved the environmental constrain and the theories of empowerment, nebulous communication and cause decrease effect of the supervision that gave rise to the poor effect of the communication. There was recommendation that was proposed to reduce the emergency of the risk and find ways to prevent such infrastructure issues. Added to this, the company needs to increase the process of accountability and transparency of the process. The company needs to increase the continual process improvement to improve all the process.

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