


这里选择的组织领导案例是雅虎的Marissa Mayer。玛丽莎·梅耶尔(Marissa Mayer)是一位才华横溢的高管。她被大多数同龄人描述为典型的CEO,这意味着她严格遵守公司的规章制度。在梅耶尔执掌雅虎期间,她面临着许多挑战。雅虎正在利用一种为不同时代建立的商业模式,而梅耶尔则只能在那个时代做出改变。作为一名领导者,梅耶尔与CEO之间的第一个问题是,她没有倾听实际问题。媒体的一篇文章指出,梅尔说得更多,听得更少。她提出了一些问题的解决方案,这些问题她本应该更仔细地听一听。这种只专注于解决问题而不找出问题根源的态度是有问题的。在试图为问题提供解决方案时,下一步应该是建立一种信任关系(Grewal和Tansuhaj, 2001)。




The organization leadership case study selected here is Marissa Mayer of Yahoo. Marissa Mayer is a talented executive. She is depicted by most of her peers as a textbook form of CEO, meaning she follows the rules and protocols strictly. In Mayer’s tenure with Yahoo, she faced many challenges. Yahoo was making use of a business model that was built for a different era and Mayer was left to make changes in that era. As a leader, the first of the issues with the CEO Mayer was that she was not listening to the actual problems. A media article states that Mayer talked more and listened less. She was presenting solutions to problems that she should have listened to more carefully. This attitude of focusing on just solving problems without identifying what caused them in the first place was problematic. In attempting to present solutions for the problem, the next step should have been to build a trust relationship (Grewal and Tansuhaj, 2001).

Now in the case of Mayer, she did not take the time to build trust relationships. Without the adequate trust relationships to support her and her teams, it was seen that much of her take over strategies was a disaster.Trust and culture was not properly understood by Mayer. Mayer when she took over as a leader was not able to understand the form of culture that prevailed at Yahoo and who it had prevailed till then. The toxic culture that was existent was not improved upon. It is the role of a leader who is agile to assess culture as an important factor. Where the CEO did nothing to assess culture, there were not many steps taken towards improving its future. There was more focus on the personality of the leader rather than the brand that she was invited to lead. There was much spotlight on Mayer as the highest paid female CEO. This was an aspect that could have been used to leverage for her advantage, however, Mayer did not make use of it in the right way. Opportunities should have been identified and taken advantage of.