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本文列举了论文代写-英国工业受到短期投资或决策压力的原因。本文所述的短期主义成本是必要的,所有旨在解决这一问题的行动也具有重要意义。虽然这篇文章关注的是短期主义和它的来源,但这篇文章也着眼于确定该领域内的文献综述差距。所有短期行为下的过程都清楚地描述了减少短期主义问题需要所有利益相关者的参与(Liljebolom et al . 2010)。具体来说,高管们特别关注短期业绩,以应对市场预期和投资者压力。因此,与投资者团体进行接触是对抗短期主义问题战略的一个重要组成部分。对于试图有效平衡长期和短期目标的英国高管来说,需要与重要的外部利益相关者合作,并在他们之间建立一种理解。这有助于在积极的方向上即兴发挥短期压力的程度。

Furthermore, Goold et al, (1987), have argued that pressures in the short term have a likeliness of arising within the subject of the firm for their control style in financial control as different from their categories of strategic control and strategic planning. Internal pressures in the short term have more likeliness to be related with sectionalism (Hribar et al 2006). This is a concept which illustrates that managers are unwilling for one profit centre to take into consideration prices or advantages influencing other profit areas within the organization. This furthermore has a likeliness of being damaging to innovativeness as short term itself.
Other short term pressures with self-imposition are related to relationships present between senior management and sub-units across firms. According to a study presented by Brown et al, (1989), it was found that more than 70 percent of senior division managers in major firms of UK believe that their current profit level at the division was a very essential capital budget determinant which was allocated through Head Office and the measure utilized was the crude one for investment return (Koh et al 2005). The issues of relationships between head quarter and division go deep and get multiplied when divisions in themselves have sub-sub units or sub units. Top management potentially are such that they ignore the remaining organization as shareholders are all about organizations on the whole. This kind of ignorance has more likeliness within firms which have more diversification and financial control in the taxonomy of Goold and Campbell.
Then it is possible to evaluate division and performance for sub-division as per the measures of accounting that engender the pressures in the short term (Klein et al 2009). They also might impose challenges that have a same influence. Most of the participants in the study performed by Barton et al, (1989), indicated that this has occurred in British companies. One challenge is the criteria to evaluate proposals for investment. 2-3rd of firms participating in Baron et al study utilized the method of payback to evaluate the proposals for investment. This suggests an enhancement in the practice for deplorable short term as surveyed through Rockley (1973). Where more rational methods of DCF are used, it has more likeliness that they follow the discount rates setting practice at US at levels higher than the capital market implication (Lord 1996). There exists some anecdotal proof of UK firms that use nominal rates of interest for discounting the flows of real cash. On the other hand, Japanese companies never use payback virtually and wherever discount rates are used, it has a tendency to become rate of interest below the rate of implicit discount. In any situation, their key focus is over investment role within corporate growth. The most common defence is the hypothesis of efficient market as espoused by Marsh et al (1990). As per this hypothesis, the share price of a company at any given time does provide a reflection of all the essential data which is present on the future prospects (Shank 2001). Recent work, such as the one by Hanlon et al, (1992), depicted that firms have a tendency of confirming UK stock market efficiency generally. In this particular situation, market does require coping with accounting regulations vagaries. Tangible assets investment does not result in reducing present profit as it has capitalization within the balance sheet. For intangible assets, however such as research and development, regulations for accounting cause limitation to the amount which can undergo capitalization. Some recent work experimentally done by Goodacre et al (1990), seemed to show higher reassurance over market efficiency from this perspective. The researchers also helped in providing the notion for short term pressures on finances for British firms.

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