


在有关商品特征的历史中,操纵一直是一个普遍的数字。在分析操作对实物商品的影响和简单的投机行为时,可以看到这些障碍,消费者对商品的购买预期也随之增加。通过瞄准具影响力的市场力量来获取商品,杠杆是由垄断力量创造的,以抬高价格。金融市场操纵被证明是通过增加成本损害当前市场参与者的利益,而未来的市场参与者会因为减少流动性而受到伤害(Aspers, 2013)。金融监管必须存在,以起诉金融市场的操纵行为,监管机构也必须努力防止操纵行为。为了查明商品市场的操纵行为,说明这种方法可以用生产的补充来取得成果。


由于与基础实物资产的关系,商品特征特别容易受到操纵。关于金融市场操纵检测的文献主要集中在未来和现货价格上。它没有解决在不增加未来和现货市场价格的情况下提高区域保费的操作方案。因此,操纵被定义为通过支配供应和需求来消除有效的价格竞争(Kolb & Overdahl, 2006)。为故意制造高或低价格而创造的多米诺骨牌。不同的类别被证明包含了市场操纵策略,即市场权力和基于欺诈的操纵。


Manipulation has been a prevalent figure throughout the history regarding the commodity features. The obstacles are seen in analysing the effects of the manipulation on the physical commodities and simple speculation, the expectation of the customers are increased with determining the purchase of the commodities. The purchase of the commodity is gained by aiming at the influential market power and leverage is created by the monopoly power to inflate the prices. The financial market manipulation is illustrated to be harming the current market participants by increasing the costs, and the future market participants are harmed by decreasing the liquidity (Aspers, 2013). The financial regulatory must be present for prosecuting the manipulative practices in the financial markets and also the regulators struggle to prevent the manipulation. For the purpose of identifying the manipulation in the commodity market, the approach is illustrated to be fruitful with using the complements of production.


Commodity features are particularly vulnerable to manipulation because of the relationship with the underlying physical assets. The literature regarding the detection of the financial market manipulation is focused on the future and the spot prices. It does not address the manipulation schemes which are used for raising the regional premiums without increasing the prices in the future and spot market. Therefore, the manipulation is defined as the elimination of the effective price competition through the domination of supply and demand (Kolb & Overdahl, 2006). The dominations created are exercised for the intentional production of high or low prices artificially. The different categories are illustrated to be encompassing the market manipulation strategies which are the market power and the fraud-based manipulation.