


愤怒作为标题的表现,就表明了它是关于谁的。这首歌的作者,金属乐队的创始人,James Hetfield有愤怒的问题。对这首歌背景的研究表明,即使是在创作这首歌的时候,Hetfield也因为他的愤怒和酒精问题而处于康复状态。由于他正在接受辅导,录音甚至是间歇性地进行。这表明,写作对乐队来说是非常个人化的。这通常是用重金属写的。写作通常与乐队的演奏非常接近,而且更多的时候会表现出与乐队成员有关的东西。在上面的引文中,“圣人”和“愤怒”这两个词的使用产生了一种矛盾的效果。这种用重金属描绘的矛盾风格并不常见。有一些词,如生、死、冷火等,也有类似的圣人和愤怒。




The very presentation of anger as the title, is indicative of the person who it is about. Now the person who wrote this song and who is the founder of Metallica, James Hetfield has anger issues. Research on the background of this song shwed that even as the song was being written Hetfield was in rehabilitation because of his anger and alcohol issues. The recording sessions were even conducted intermittently because of his being in counselling sessions. This indicates that the writing is very personal to the band. This is usually the case with heavy metal style of writing. The writing is usually very close to the band that is playing it and more often presents something associated with one of the band members. In the above citation, the use of the two words, saint and anger creates a paradoxical effect. This form of contradictory style portrayed in heavy metal is not common. There are words used such as life and death, cold fire etc. In a similar style Saint and anger has been used.

An alternative meaning here is that a person who can be angry can also be called a saint if they are angry with a reason. Now the person who was writing it was healing, he wants the anger that he carries to be released and the way the song lyrics are presented saying that anger never gets any respect, or alternatively anger never gets any respect for the master of the anger is skillfully presented, and the round the neck presence of anger indicated in the album shows a more pressurized situation. People feel anger, or they are angry in their heads and they need to cool down. But as in keeping par with most heavy metal writing, in this song, it is statted that the anger is carried around the neck like something choking the person. Heavy metal writing is profane. It includes words of profanity and the words are used to indicae the passionate understanding of the artists and in this case Hetfield.