


毫无疑问,总体上对不平等趋势存在分歧,但经济学家一致认为,从1950年到1970年,不平等在下降,1980年有所增加(Whiteford, 2014)。例如,经济学家约翰逊和威尔金斯发现,基尼系数从1981年到1982年呈上升趋势,达到0.27,而从1997年到1998年又进一步上升,达到0.30。从下图中可以明显看出。收入和财富分配差距扩大的一个关键原因是中产阶级的支出增加(Chalmers, 2014)。例如,育儿成本的增加给父母带来了压力。可以进行的一项基本结构性改革是削减失业福利。这将推动经济增长2% (Allard, 2014)。还需要研究更多有关就业福利的改革,这些改革有助于提出缩小就业差距的方法。在观察财富不平等及其背后的趋势时,也可以看到类似的趋势。
人们发现,富人和穷人的财富之比为3比1。研究发现,在澳大利亚,平等主义的支柱是更高的工资、更高的住房拥有率和更低的失业率。澳大利亚的福利制度似乎是不公平的,尤其是在税收政策上。与发达国家相比,中国的税收相对较低,而且是一个基本范围,这是因为中国的福利支出水平较低。支出在本质上是完全平等的,税收一点也不进步(Whiteford, 2011)。毫无疑问,澳大利亚的社会保障制度有着各种各样的优势,但也存在着现实的弊端,这个国家必须要解决。这包括失业救济不足和租金支持(Whiteford, 2014)。澳大利亚的穷人可能比其他来自美国或欧洲的穷人享有更多的福利,但这些福利实际上并没有帮助他们实现福利国家。


There is no doubt that overall there is a disagreement on the inequality trends but still economists have come to a consensus that inequality was declining between 1950 to 1970 with its increase in the year of 1980 (Whiteford, 2014). For example, it was found by the economist namely Johnson and Wilkins that the coefficient of Gini enhanced from the year 1981 to 1982 reaching at 0.27 and this further increased from 1997 to 1998 to reach 0.30. This is evident from the following graph. One of the key reasons behind the income and wealth distribution gap to widen lies in the fact that expenses for the middle income class have increased (Chalmers, 2014). For example, childcare cost has been increased causing a pressure on the parents. One of the essential structural reforms that can be made is to cut back the benefits over unemployment. This will boost the economic growth by 2 per cent (Allard, 2014). More reforms with employment welfare also needs to be looked at which can help in bringing forward ways by which the gap can be decreased. Similar trends can also be seen when viewing wealth inequality and the trends underlying it.
The ratio between the rich and poor wealth has been found at a ratio of 3 is to 1. It is found that egalitarian pillars within Australia were higher wages, higher ownership of homes and lower unemployment.It seems that the welfare state of Australia is not fair especially when focusing on the country’s tax policy. The country is a relatively low taxing nation in comparison to rich nations and to an essential range, this is due to the fact that country has low welfare spending levels. The spending is completely egalitarian in nature and the taxes are not at all progressive (Whiteford, 2011). There is no doubt that the system of social security of Australia has various strengths but there also are real drawbacks that the country has to deal with. This is inclusive of unemployment benefit inadequacies and rental support (Whiteford, 2014). Poor Australians might have more benefits than various other poor individuals from the US or Europe but still these benefits are such that they actually do not help them reach a welfare state.