

在當今世界,很難面對真正的挑戰。當今世界,隨著全球氣候的上升,環境的不可預測的破壞,貧富差距的拉大,人們很容易夢想這樣一個世界,在其中每一個社會弊病都得到了解決。烏托邦這個詞最早出現在1516年。 1516年,托馬斯·莫爾爵士將其描述為希臘虛構的島嶼社會。它意味著作為一個社區,有一個有遠見的政治和社會完善體系。烏托邦的概念對藝術和設計產生了巨大的影響。在20世紀初,由於第一次世界大戰帶來的經濟衰退和破壞問題,整個世界都陷入了很大的困境。在現代主義方面,現代主義運動已經開始在藝術和設計方面形成。烏托邦式的建築師認為,這些建築有助於解決世界上的許多問題。工業革命後出現了許多新材料,如玻璃、鋼鐵等。


In the present world, it is very difficult to face the real challenges. With the rise of the global climate in the world at the present times, unpredictable destruction due to environment, increasing in the gap between the rich and the poor people, it is very easy to dream about such a world in which each and every social ills had been solved. Utopia was the term which had first evolved during the times of 1516. It was initially described as the fictional island society which is there in Greece by Sir Thomas More in 1516. It meant as a community, there had been a visionary system of political and social perfections. The concept of Utopia had been hugely influential in the arts and designs. During the beginning of the 20th century, the entire world had been largely troubled because of the problem of recession and destruction which had been brought forward due to the World War 1. In terms of modernism the modernist movement had begun to shape up in terms of art and designs. It had been identified by the Utopian architects that the buildings can be helpful in sorting many of the problems for the world. After the industrial revolution there was an availability of many new materials such as glass, iron and steel.
After this, most of the modernist Utopian artists and designers started to design the cities by drafting tables which were largely based on Utopian avant grade design ideas. These designs were also largely devoid of the corrupted sentiments which often led to the confusion between most of the societies. Many of the Utopian vision largely focused on the development of new technology in order to assist in the creation of the new avant grade designs. Many other Utopian architects had a larger focus on the cutting edge architecture and the radical avant grade designs. There were still few of the designers who were more thoughtful about the open and untouched landscapes but these were also united in terms of avant grade designs. With the help of the Utopian visions, each of the designs had one thing in common. It was very difficult to build the same. In order to ensure that this is not true, the architecture which was there in the Utopian vision had been planned in a systematic and a very careful manner. Some of the five most important avant grade Utopian visions included the five highly influential plans which had been created under the modernist mindset.