


The people in power and the elitist try to control the people by using a number of techniques. They berate, bribe, intimidate or attack the people who question the authority. In Cudahy, candidates who dared to participate in the elections were languished by the officials. One of the candidates had a Molotov cocktail that was flung inside candidates premises. There were cases where bribe was a normal function and there were also rigged elections (Thompson 222).
Drugs were used to control the people and there was the use of armed bodyguards. These were the governmental authorities who used their power to create a system where the people were controlled. For example, Mayor David Silva, Councilman Osvaldo Conde and Angel Perales were convicted of acting bribes for setting up of a marijuana dispensary store (Van 34).
These show that the governmental authorities used a number of techniques to control the people. These in turn cause the common people in the communities to become victims of the processes. These were some of the techniques that were used by the authorities to control the people. The ways in which the people overcome these techniques are explained in the following.
Even the most controlling and fearful government will be left with a backlash. This has been observed from historic events such as the French revolution. These have changed after the inception of democratic governance. The people have two ways to addressing the issues. It is developing antagonism, protests and stealthily attacking the people or developing a proper system where the people gain authority to control over the events. This is done after crafting a career and studying (Bartlett 69).
After the revelations and scandals, Cudahy voters elected council members who were more dynamic and young (Gerber 2). According to the current data, four of the five officials are now in their late 20s. The council members are all educated and have a college degree. The Bell charter should not have a mechanism of enforcement established within it. However, it is power of City Council for enforcing all ordinances of Bell and the code of Bell.

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