


泰德·邦迪(Ted Bundy)是个有魅力的年轻人,同时也是一个飞贼、强奸犯、连环杀手和恋尸癖者。他供认了大约30起凶杀案,涉及多个州的杀人案。然而,到目前为止,受害者的实际数目仍然是未知的。可能会有更多警察没有意识到的杀人事件。犯罪学家、心理学家和连环杀手的研究人员认为,这个数字可能要高得多。这篇文章被命名为“有演员的人”,因为这是泰德·邦迪诱骗受害者的技巧之一。


他扮演的角色是一个需要帮助的人,因为他有一个演员。佯装残废是他的一种常用技术,后来成为一种典型的理解和表现连环杀手和诱拐者的方法。假装的残疾在创造一个脆弱的寻找受害者的过程中扮演了双重角色,当他们的背向被扭转时,也对他有帮助(Michaud & Aynesworth;西奥多·罗伯特·考威尔或泰德·邦迪是这篇文章中最广为人知的研究对象。他的犯罪史,他的背景,证据和审判都是详细讨论的。


Ted Bundy was a charismatic young man, as well as a cat burglar, a rapist, a serial killer and a necrophile. He confessed to around 30 homicides, with the homicides spanning multiple states. However, the count of the actual number of victims remains unknown till date. There could be more killings that the police are not aware of. The count could be much higher as argued by criminologists, psychologists, and researchers of serial killers. The essay is named as “the man with the cast” because this was one of Ted Bundy’s techniques to lure his victims.

He played the role of a man who needed some help because of a cast he had. Feigning disability was one of his popular techniques, which became a typical way to understand and represent serial killers and abductors in later times. The feigned disability played a dual role in creating a vulnerable look for his victims and also was useful for him to overpower them when their back was turned (Michaud & Aynesworth; Theodore Robert Cowell or Ted Bundy as he is more popularly known is the object of study in this essay. The history of his crimes, his background, evidence and trials are discussed in detail.