



适用于本研究的批判性思维错误包括在世界其他地方采用互联网在购物大厅中使用互联网的差异,或者因为营销活动的协调和沟通的目的。这个现象的另一个思考错误是除了个人的偏见之外,对答案的分析。本文所用的错误是管理者对总部的看法,以及他们在商场内推广营销活动的努力。 (Bloch,1994)研究设计中的思维错误包括使用访谈和问卷来评估结果可能会相互矛盾的结果。这两种技术的运用一方面会给予深入的分析,另一方面会分散所获得的信息的矛盾。


The limit that is made within the question is by narrowing down the objective of the research question. It will include what can be offered by ISM to the managers in any way with which they can help these managers. The information will help in filling the knowledge about the applied strategies of market communication applied by ISM. The question is really fulfilling its objective information. The cons attached with the question are the differentiation that exists between the ways applied by the ISM or they wish to apply in the near future. It is also not clear about the one applied by ISM or the one expected out of them. The question however fulfills the purpose of guiding the research to a great deal. Another operational deficiency existing in the question is its limitation. Its only acquires single sided information i.e. the managers (Cooper, 2003)

Research Questions 3: What does the ISM shopping center managers and marketing managers expect from an Intranet in order to support mall marketing communications?
(Strauss, 1990)
The critical thinking error that applies to this study includes the difference of using the internet in the shopping halls as the rest of the world has adopted it or because of the purpose of coordination and communication of marketing activities. Another thinking error attached with the phenomenon is the analysis of the answers apart from all the personal biasness. The error greatly applied to this paper is the perception of the managers towards the head office and their efforts in promoting marketing activities within the mall. (Bloch, 1994) The thinking error over the research design includes the use of interview and questionnaires to evaluate the results will may contradictory results. The use of two techniques will give an in depth analysis of the situation at one hand and on the other will distract the acquired information will contradictions.