洛杉矶论文代写-肯尼亚AIC Kijabe医疗保健机构


肯尼亚一直在与不足的卫生保健系统作斗争,并正努力通过政治和财政支持来改善其卫生保健系统。本报告洛杉矶论文代写-肯尼亚AIC Kijabe医院为例,该医院是一家拥有近百年历史的医疗保健机构。

The AIC hospital has been instrumental in sustaining some activities and practices that are solely about conserving its innovative way of managing healthcare delivery. Some of these are described below with elaboration.
The sustenance of a spiritual perspective and worldview for healthcare delivery is as important as the medication rendered to patients (Barnum 2011, pp. 66). The spiritual inclination of the hospital’s healing programs and its fusion with medication provides a more comfortable way of healing to patients. It is logical that the patient must believe that a cure is possible before medication is given, and the patient must also realise the contribution of a belief system which is not possible to be resulted only from medication (Cobb 2014, pp. 25). This practice is a unique feature of the hospital and the benefits are immense, as not only patients but also employees are involved in this process. When the belief of the healthcare provider is strong enough, the patient becomes more comfortable, which helping in a faster recovery.
The other sustainable initiative was the ability to provide affordable healthcare services. This makes the service more deliverable to more patients than it would when the cost was more. The authenticity is seen by its management, and it is handled by the church and has ability to deliver cheap services using the Kenyan health ministry’ support. Sustaining low cost amidst rising market related cost is a superior innovation which the hospital has so clearly displayed. Low cost is one of the cornerstones of healthcare having a wider reach and simultaneously reaching more number of suffering patients. The measure is authentic in its approach and practice.
In addition, the hospital’s consistent readiness to keep up with organisational changes and refurbishing the service system has been very appropriate. Times change and the demands for the hospital to change its internal system are to meet rapidly shifting demands (O’Brien 2011, pp. 95). The expansion to new operation theatres, sourcing of new equipment, and sourcing new finances for consistent improvement of its facility has been very good and complements the rise in the demand of the quality of facility provision.
The genuine desire and efforts of improving the training for new doctors, nurses, and other employees have been impressive. The very act of improvising the centres of training and inviting new doctors is the need which it has been consisting in fulfilling (McSherry 2006, pp. 47). The hospital’s attempt of keeping pace with the increasing demand is aligned with the rising shortages of skilled and qualified manpower. This need is authentic and provides the impetus of sustaining and improving quality healthcare.
The hospital’s constant attempts to imbibe the values of keeping the employees as a community and not as mere workers are unique in its authenticity (Robinson 2008, pp. 88). The reason is that when a community is built and the bonds are strengthened between workers, the service quality is unquestionably improving and there are fewer chances of errors (Muster and Schrader 2011, pp. 147). The core strength is the unity among diversity in the employees and it is really authentic in its nature.

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