





The frameworks for conflict analysis and negotiation must consider the broader development concerns such as that of the social, economic and political concerns as well as concerns of nature, the keeping of environment and more. The below is a conflict analysis framework presented for the issue.The context of the conflict is a key element here. The context of the conflicts profile is a key element of conflict analysis. It involves understanding of the political, economic and social elements related to the conflicts, and as such will question to find out what are the social, political and economic issues that contribute to the conflicts. Issues of gender, race, inequality and more will come under conflict profiling. In addition, some of the questions that will be asked here are that of whether there is a history of conflict as well. The second step is to understand the causes.

Now the causes could be three-fold given any conflict situation. There are structural causes, next there are proximate causes, and then there are triggers. The structural causes are those causes that are part of infrastructure in a country, such as the policies, the structures in a society. These are causes that have developed as chronic concerns over time and might be the existing favorable preconditions for the conflicts to occur. Now this conflict was not caused by one incident but by everyday incidents ranging from small ones such as the unruly youngsters to incidents such as fights in the football court. So the series of incidents needs to be analyzed to find out stakeholder interests and justifications.