


据该公司首席执行官表示,承兑率的任何提高不仅有利于借款人,也有利于贷款人,因为这将导致银行的扩张。这种情况总是发生在利率上升的时候(Wang et al., 2015)。评论人士对银行的盈利能力提出了许多要求。这将导致利率上升时预期利率上升。这将需要通过客户的暗示来支付,以使替代情况具有更有说服力的视角。瑞迪安•刘易斯(Rhydian Lewis)也认同这一观点,他认为银行借款利率上升转化为储蓄利率上升的可能性较小。当贷款清单必须通过付款人和贷款人浏览时,情况尤其如此。如前所述,无抵押贷款的分销渠道是通过不同的商业模式来实现的。

网络支行是安排贷款的主要分销渠道。大多数供应商进一步考虑安排基于个人的在线贷款或通过他们的电话系统。同样的情况也出现在信用卡上,消费者不可能支付更高的利率(Casu et al., 2015)。关键原因是基于Zopa的风险管理计划(Milne et al., 2016)。这并不意味着不能考虑其他独特的形式。重新定位为集中管理咨询服务,将进一步有可能考虑以独特利率借贷的原因。即使在经济衰退时期,该公司也没有提高利率,而是继续实行宽松的利率。


According to the CEO of the company, any increase in the acceptance rate not only benefits the borrowers but also to the lenders as this will lead towards increasing the spreading of bank. This always happens when the rates of interest enhance (Wang et al., 2015). There have been many claims by the commentators on the bank profitability. This results in prospective increase as rates of interest increase. This will require to be paid through customers implying to make the alternative situation to have much compelling perspective. This stance has been agreed by Rhydian Lewis, depicting that bank borrowing rates rise has less likeliness of getting translated into higher savers interest rates. This is particularly the case when loan listings have to be browsed through the payment givers and lenders. As already studied, the channels of distribution for lending of unsecured nature is done through varying business models.

The networking branch is the key channel of distribution to arrange loans. Most providers further consider arranging online based personal loans or through their telephonic systems. Same picture comes forward from credit cards and there is no way that the customers will have to pay for higher rates of interest (Casu et al., 2015). The key reason is the Zopa based risk management plan (Milne et al., 2016). This does not imply that there are other unique forms that cannot be considered. Repositioning to focus over running an advisory service will further make it possible to take into consideration the reason for lending and borrowing at the unique rates of interest. Even at the time of recession, the company did not enhance its rates of interest but continued with its easy rates.