


1972年和1973年这段时间标志着最惊人的实验热潮达到高潮。这些年也有助于重新想象排版的整体行为。因此,这是标志着自主学习的时代。这项自主研究的出发点包括对凸版印刷的探索,这有助于发现新的设计相关方向(Wichmann, 1990)。与手写体的表达潜力相关的实验有助于发展与瑞士版式上的巴塞尔有关的想法。因此,TM的封面也出现在1972年。与此同时,《魏格特》也帮助总结了《魏格特》的繁盛时期和与之相关的教学文献。在此之前,印刷术被认为是一种枯燥无味、存根生而无用的活动,但在1972-73年发行印刷术大师蒙纳斯布拉特(Typographische Monasblatter)的封面之后,这种思维方式发生了变化(Bruggisser, 2001)。印刷术似乎是第一次成为一个吸引人们的有趣的概念。因此,印刷术和平面设计之间的桥梁就这样被消除了。
自国际足联成立以来,布拉特就一直很受欢迎。它在任何时代都有很高的意义。这是因为它有助于得到一个公平的想法有关瑞士排版,这是有用的,即使在今天。在1972年至1973年期间开发的排版大师莫纳斯布拉特(Typographische Monasblatter)封面系列是全新的,与其他系列完全不同。每一个封面都设计独特,被认为是非常重要的。除此之外,它还有助于在新一代中给出与排版相关的想法(Cloninger, 2008)。因此,从研究中可以得出结论,排版ische Monasblatter是最重要的封面设计之一,它引领了排版界一个新阶段的开始。本文对1972-1973年期间出版的《排版大师》的封面进行了探讨,分析了封面人物、为封面工作的设计师以及封面人物在当时和现在的意义。


The time period of 1972 and 1973 were the years which marked the culmination of the most amazing rush of experimentations. These were the years which also help to reimagine the overall behavior of typography. Thus, these were the times which marked the self-directed study. The starting point of this self-directed study included the exploration on the letterpress printing which helped to find the newer design related directions (Wichmann, 1990). The experimentation related to the expressive potential of the hand set type helped to develop the idea related to the Basle on Swiss Typography. Thus, the TM covers also appeared in the year 1972. By the same time, the Weingart also helped in the summarization of the fertile period and teaching related to the document. Before these times, typography was considered to be an activity which is boring, stub born and useless, but after the release of the Typographische Monasblatter covers in 1972-73, there was a change in this kind of mentality (Bruggisser, 2001). It was for the very first time that typography seemed to be an interesting concept which had appealed to people. Thus, it was the time when the bridge between the typography and graphic design was eliminated.
Typographische Monasblatter has been popular right from the days when it was created. It is something which has a high significance in all times. This is because it helps to get a fair idea related to the Swiss typography which is useful even in present times. The Typographische Monasblatter cover series developed during the times of 1972-1973 was completely new and it stood completely different from others. Each and every cover was uniquely designed and is considered to be of huge importance. In addition to this, it helps in giving the idea related to the typography in the new generation (Cloninger, 2008).Thus, from the research, it can be concluded that Typographische Monasblatter is one of the most important cover designs which led to the beginning of a new phase in the world of typography. In this research paper, the discussion has been done on Covers of Typographische Monasblatter which were published during the times of 1972-1973, the analysis of the same, the designers who worked for the same and its relevance during those times and during the present.