


剩余价值的划分是主观的,因为它依赖于买方和供应商之间的权力平衡。供应管理生态系统中的权力是实体A使实体B执行其行为方式不典型的行为的能力(Lukes, 1974)。受迈克尔•爱默生理论的影响,供应管理专家将权力定义为“相对资源禀赋”。各方的“相对资源禀赋”导致了“权力关系”。这最终决定了党的剩余价值。除了实现最高的剩余价值,公司还应该处理采购过程,这将有助于带来效率(Molhow, 1997)。这称为过程效率。这种精简的效率是通过不同的方式实现的。这包括精简或维护供应商的短名单。众所周知,一些组织在有低价值支出时采用自动化采购流程(Cox et al., 2000)。另一种提高效率的方法是使用框架协议。接下来的另一种方法,尤其是在高价值支出的情况下,是与供应商建立信任。

在供应管理过程中创造“物有所值”主张的核心是使组织内部的采购行为的管理与供应商管理的外部管理相平衡。组织购买行为受两种主要观点的影响——理性和政治。这种行为受内部需求问题、潜在的解决方案以及替代购买选项的影响(Cox et al., 2002)。这涉及对外部实体,即供应商的管理。这个管理过程始于对货物规格的协议。供应商管理的下一个层次是围绕供应商的行为构建的。这种行为可以是可信的,也可以是供应商在现场利用最大的机会。有时候,涉及的伦理也会影响一些决策(Hines et al., 2000)。在供应商选择阶段,决定供应商决策过程的首要因素是供应商关系管理。在关系基础上做出选择后,开始谈判阶段。接下来是合同前绘制阶段和合同管理阶段。


The division of surplus value is subjective, as it is dependent on the balance of power between the buyer and the supplier. Power in the supply management ecosystem is the ability of Entity A to make Entity B to perform actions which are not typical to its manner (Lukes, 1974). Influenced by Michael Emerson’s theory, supply management experts have come to define power as ‘relative resource endowment’. The “relative resources endowment” of each of the parties leads to ‘power relation’. This finally determines the surplus value for the party.Apart from achieving the highest surplus value, a company should also address processes in purchasing which will lend it to bringing in efficiency (Molhow, 1997). This is called as Process Efficiency. This streamlined effectiveness is achieved in different ways. This includes pruning or maintaining a short-list of suppliers. Some organizations are known to adapt automated purchasing processes when they have low value spending to do (Cox et al., 2000). Another way to build efficiency is to use framework agreements. Another method followed, especially in the case of high value spend is to forge trust with suppliers.

At the heart of creating ‘Best Value for Money’ proposition in a supply management process is to neutralize internal management that of the organization’s buying behaviour against the external management that of the supplier management.Organizational Buying Behaviour is influenced by two key types of perspectives – Rational and Political. This kind of behaviour is influenced by internal demand problems, potential solutions as well as alternative buying options (Cox et al., 2002). This involves the management of external entities, namely suppliers. This management process begins with an agreement on the specification of the goods. The next level of supplier management is structured around the behaviour of the supplier. The behaviour could be trustful or the supplier may be in the scene to leverage maximum opportunity. Sometimes, the ethics involved too influence some decisions (Hines et al., 2000). In the supplier selection stage, the foremost factor which rules the decision making process is the supplier relationship management. After the selection is made on the relationship basis, and the negotiation stage is commenced. This is followed by pre-contract drawing phase and a contract management phase.