


美利坚合众国的政府被认为是联邦政府。它基本上由50个州和一个首都区组成。有许多首都地区和其他地区已被纳入这个系统。它由三个独特的分支(Gray、Hanson和Kousser 5)组成,分别是立法分支、执行品牌和司法分支。美国宪法赋予国会、总统和联邦法院权力。这也包括最高法院。人民的权力和义务由国会的法案详细解释。当参议院和众议院由不同的党派控制时,它被认为是理想的。在这种情况下,执政党更容易做出治理决策。如果在参议院没有一个政党拥有阻挠议事的多数席位,那么就会出现过去曾出现过的僵局,原因是众议院没有通过立法的最低人数。
这种情况发生在民主党控制参议院多数选票的时候。由于这种模式,过去出现了僵局(Gray, Hanson和Kousser 13)。2013年1月,5个州发生了变化,弗吉尼亚州有1名新州长,2015年1月有12名新州长。2016年古柏全国大选在蒙大拿州、新罕布什尔州、犹他州、佛蒙特州、西弗吉尼亚州、俄勒冈州、特拉华州、印第安纳州、密苏里州、蒙大拿州、北卡罗来纳州和北达科他州举行。波多黎各和美属萨摩亚也举行了一场赛马。2016年,古伯尔全国选举与地方选举、州和联邦州同时举行。这些都发生在2016年总统大选期间。在50个州中,州立法的形成结构各不相同,功能也各不相同。


The government of the United States of America is considered to be the federal government. It basically consists of fifty states and one capital district. There are a number of capital districts and other territories that have been embedded into this system. It consists of three distinctive branches (Gray, Hanson, and Kousser 5). It is the legislative branch, executive brand and the judicial branch. The powers of the US constitution is vested with the Congress, President and the federal courts. This includes the Supreme Court as well. The powers and the duties of the people are explained in detail by the acts of congress.It is considered to be ideal when the Senate and the House of Representative are controlled by different parties. In this situation it becomes easier for the ruling party to make governance decisions. If in the senate no party has a filibuster majority, there is gridlock that had occurred in the past owing to the fact that the theater is no minimum number in the lower houses to pass a legislation.
This occurs when the party controls the upper house majority votes. There were gridlocks in the past owing to this paradigm (Gray, Hanson and Kousser 13). In January 2013, there was changes in 5 states, 1 new governor in Virginia and 12 new governors in January 2015. The guber national elections of 2016 was held in the states of Montana, New Hampshire, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia, Oregon, Delaware, Indiana, Missouri, Montana, North Carolina and North Dakota. Puerto Rico and American Samoa also had held a races. In the year 2016, the guber national elections occurred concurrently with the local elections, state and the federal states. These occurred along with the 2016 presidential election. In the 50 states there are different formative structure in the state legislations that function differently from each other.