

管理者的角色一直是组织讨论的关键方面之一。在管理的范围内,管理角色是如何被组织的管理层定义的(Smith et al., 2010)。在这一背景下,不同的研究者提出了不同的理论。这些研究大多表明管理者的绩效对组织的成功至关重要。本篇美国传媒学论文代写-管理者职能分析如下:

One of the most important ones that have been defined by Henri Fayol is identified as five different functions of the management to draw upon the success of the business which includes planning, organising, commanding, coordinating and controlling. The implication of the five stages of the managerial function can be related to the creative process of the organisation as well. The creative process starts with the evaluation of the environmental factors of the organisation. The control function in the organisational scope is important to be maintained. It facilitates continuous reviews of the plan which would assist in incremental changes over time. This is one of the crucial functions of the management.
However, according to Brech, the function of management is more concerned about the social changes considered within the organisational scope. Similarly, he understood that the four main functions of the management contain planning, control, co-ordination and motivation. Other definitions of the managerial functions have been related to the changes in the idea of control and motivation within the organisational space. The identification of the resources and their utilisation are important to bring about proper accomplishments within the company.
Mintzberg’s theory on the role of the manager is probably the most cited. His idea of management functions have been understood in terms of how particular roles are integrated within the overall managerial role, interpersonal roles, informational roles and decision roles included (Burnes and Jackson, 2011). These roles are overlapping within the organisational space. As far as the functions of the managers, it can be regarded as important for the consideration of the growth of the organisation. In this context, the skills and abilities of the managers need to be understood as well.
With the continuous evolutions and changes within the organisational space, it has become important for managers to understand the recent developments in technology. The importance has been laid on how such integrations can be made by the managers rather than on the integration of such technologies. In this regard, what can be considered as important are the adherence to the objectives and the aims of the company that can be properly implemented within the organisational space.
In consideration of the fact that organisations perform within dynamic and continuous evolving environments, it is important to notice how the changes within the environment can be facilitated to make organisation succeed in the long run (Crawford and Nahmias, 2010). An effective way to do the same is to understand the changes that are required to be made by adjusting the environmental demands. The setup of the organisation is also significant for it facilitates the understanding that continuous exchange of ideas is in fact crucial to make an organisation successful over the long-term. Organisations can be defined as being open or semi-open systems by understanding the extent to which the information can be exchanged. The information acquired needs to be utilised in the most efficient way so that the organisation can be beneficial. The implication can also be related with the reaction of the company compared with the changes within the environment (Erwin and Garman, 2010). Gaining information about the environment can be facilitated through proper tools which include SWOT and PESTLE analysis to provide a basic understanding of the external environment factors. By streamlining these factors, the internal processes and functions of the company can be managed accordingly by developing strategies which need to be considered for the effectiveness of the company.

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