


根据相关的市场环境,每个国家或地区都有自己定义的服装设计师创业精神。本研究将讨论这种企业家精神关于企业和个人从事服装的标准,并将他们的主要精力集中在设计上,这与那些从事服装制造的人是不同的。其中包括(1)老牌时尚品牌(2)生活时尚服装(3)新兴市场品牌(4)新兴设计师(Wu, 2006)。关于企业家精神和企业家精神的各种定义有广泛的文献。德鲁克(2000)提出了创业的五个参数:形成新市场、为客户提供价值、提供新东西、改变客户价值和过程创新。同样,企业家是负责创造新价值、新想法、创新或新组织的个人。

竞争非常激烈,公司也必须面对同样的情况。在丰田的案例中,外部环境中的以下因素在影响行业竞争中起着重要的作用:企业间的高侵略性,这是一个很强的影响。企业的差异化和多样性的提高是一个强有力的影响。汽车公司在市场营销、创新等各个方面都表现出了很强的攻击性。此外,该公司一直在与许多不同的组织竞争,同时通过品牌形象、风格、燃油效率、电子产品、成本和其他附加变量进行差异化(bially和Daly, 2007)。然而,也有一些小型汽车公司,而且该公司一直在与一些大型组织竞争。这说明公司必须用全面的战略来解决这个问题。


According to the pertinent and market contexts, every country or region has their defined fashion designer entrepreneurship. This study will talk about this entrepreneurship about the criteria that firms and individuals involved in clothing, and have their primary focus on the designs, which are distinct from those who are involved in cloth manufacturing. It included (1) Established fashion labels (2) Clothing in lifestyle (3) New market brands (4) Emerging new designers (Wu, 2006). Extensive literature is available on various definitions of entrepreneurship and entrepreneur. Drucker (2000) claimed the five parameters of entrepreneurship: forming new markets, offering value to customer, giving something new, changing customer value, and process innovation. Similarly, an entrepreneur is an individual who is responsible for the process of creating new values, ideas, an innovation or a new organisation.

The intensity of competition is extremely strong and the company must be dealing with the same. In the case of Toyota, the following factors in the external environment play a significant role in affecting the competitive rivalry of the industry:High level of aggressiveness among companies that is a strong effect.Higher differentiation and variety of firms that is a strong effect.Lower number of large companies that is a moderate effect .Automotive companies show aggressiveness against one another with respect to each and every factor such as marketing and innovation. Also, the company has been competing with a number of different organizations, while differentiating through brand image, style, efficiency of fuel, electronics, and cost, and other additional variables (Bierly and Daly, 2007). However, there are a number of small automobile companies, and the company has been competing with a number of large organizations. This depicts that the company must be addressing the issue with comprehensive strategies.