


快速增长的资本主义美国内战(1861 – 1865)后引发了社会政治的反应是负责企业社会责任的概念的诞生。企业社会责任的概念几乎是一百五十年的历史。在1870年代的大公司硕果,同时动作,如“反垄断”和“强盗大亨”。Bichta援引(2003),麦克尤恩(2001)解释了“反垄断”的原因发展运动”的新产业信托和企业已变得过于强大,浪费资源,是政治危险和不负责任的社会”(第四页)。



Rapid growth of capitalism following the American civil war (1861-1865) gave rise to socio-political reactions which were responsible for the birth of the concept of corporate social responsibility. The CSR concept is almost one hundred and fifty years old. In 1870s big companies grew and at the same time grew movements like ‘anti-trust’ and ‘robber barons’. As quoted by Bichta (2003), McEwan (2001) explains the reason for development of ‘anti-trust’ movement as “the new industrial trusts and corporations which had become too powerful, wasted resources, were politically dangerous and socially irresponsible” (p.4).

In around 1890s American government started taking notice of social behaviour of big corporations and passed laws on child labour, industrial safety and workers’ rights. According to Nader et al American corporations became more responsible for their social behaviour after the US Supreme Court announced in 1906 that a corporation is responsible of its social behaviour and will be subjected to government supervision in this regard. Further developments in this regard were legislations related to labour protection, public utilities and banking services. Some entrepreneurs in their effort to distance themselves from government intervention started contributing to private universities. This culture of private support for public works can still be observed in American society.