



在李永才受聘之前,会计和运营部门负责控制所有簿记功能,并为每个部分的表现生成数据。这样做是为了帮助每个经理做出决定。李勇是会计业务部经理,有20名成员,其中3名直接向她汇报。然而,公司的运作是在永利任命之前制定的(Robbins et al,2015)。永利在组织招聘之后,为了取得更好的成绩,她改变了内部的几个方面。然而,这些成员或她的下属对此也感到不舒服。例如,他们没有一贯的监测。另一个同样的例子可以从总经理Virat的案例中引用,他在这个领域有相当丰富的经验。他负责监控日常操作和监控,重点是监控分类帐,但是他总是感觉到李勇思考他,并且每当她感觉到时都在看他的工作(Robbins et al,2015)。这让维拉特感到不舒服,因为他是该公司经验丰富的员工,从来没有面对他所做的工作提出质疑。 Virat所缺乏的信任是公司大多数管理者所面临的,这是一个相当新的变化,尤其是没有Yong Lee的感谢。


Existing Working Environment
The employees already working in the department were happy with the current process and system at the company. The existing system in the accounting and operations department was traditional system and all employees were satisfied with it because they do not love to see any kind of changes. This is the problem in the company as well because if any new changes happen in an organization then resistance to change from the employees also follows.

New Changes in the Department
Before Yong Lee was employed, the accounting and operations department was responsible for controlling all the functions of book keeping and for generating data on each section’s performance. This was done in order help every manager in making decisions. Yong Lee was manager to the accounting operations department with responsibility of 20 members with 3 of them reported directly to her. However, the operations of the company were formulated before Yong Lee was appointed (Robbins et al, 2015). After Yong Lee’s recruitment in the organization, she changed several internal aspects in order to gain better results in the end. However, the members or her subordinates did not feel comfortable on the same. They were not monitored consistently before for example. Another example in the same regard can be quoted from the case of General Accounting manager, Virat who had considerable experience in his field. He was responsible to control the operations and monitoring on day to day basis with a focus on monitoring the accounts of Ledger but he always felt Yong Lee pondering over him and looking into his work whenever she felt like (Robbins et al, 2015). This made Virat uncomfortable as he was an experienced employee of the firm and had never had to face questioning on the work that he had done. Lack of trust experienced by Virat was what most of the managers in the company also faced and this was a considerably new change especially without a sense of appreciation from Yong Lee.