

在本篇美国代写被抓-耐克的整合传播策略中,耐克的战略必须得到相关财务预算的支持,在这方面,该计划将涉及分配拟议的4 000万美元预算,预算将用于推广耐克的跑步公司必须整合整合的传播策略,这些策略可能已经准备好用于与目标消费者进行沟通的计划的管理(McDaniel & Gates, 2005)。该公司将利用这些城市的跑步活动与潜在的和现有的消费者直接沟通(Oldroyd, 2004)。该公司打算开发一款手机应用,让消费者可以看到自己的跑步风格,提供改善健康的建议,饮食建议,专家交流等等。接下来有关美国代写被抓-耐克的整合传播策略提供给大家阅读。

The company has to incorporate integrated communication policies which are likely to be ready for the management of the initiatives that can be used for the purpose of communicating with the intended consumers (McDaniel & Gates, 2005). The company would use the running events in each of these cities to directly communicate with potential and existing consumers (Oldroyd, 2004). The company intends to develop a mobile application which would be used by the consumers for the purpose of allowing them to view their running styles, provide tips for improving their health, dietary advices, communication from experts, etc. This mobile application would become a good way for the company to increase the interaction with the consumers and ensure that the users would be able to clearly communicate with the company’s products and services in better manner. Such strategy is important for the management of the business as “a record 91% of UK millennials own a smartphone” (Exchangewire.com, 2016).
The purpose of integrated marketing communication would be to ensure that the company increases the point of contact and engagement with the users (Macrumors.com, 2016). Such kind of increased scope for engagement ensures that the company is geared and ready for the healthy management of the relationships between the products and services and the consumers.
Financial Plan

Nike’s strategy would have to be backed with relevant financial budget. Here, the plan would involve allocation of proposed $40 million budget. The budget would be spent in promotion of the Nike’s Running。

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