


传统的大众传媒受众是指观看电视和阅读印刷媒体的受众。关于所描绘的不同事件的收视率是由可衡量的因素决定的。收视率是根据媒体动态和观众意识形态制定的。尼尔森收视率,TNS媒体情报是一些评分系统,已被用来了解观众(Bury et al., 2013)。互联网和社交媒体的出现产生了一个新的受众阶层,称为数字受众(McDougall, 2013)。利用社交网络,现代受众可以联系和控制媒体的内容。在这个制度下,他们可以有更多的自主权来表达自己的观点和信仰。利用社交媒体的发展增加了互动。在任何给定的时间点,都需要度量受众的反应以满足需求。

从过去的评价者模型到目前的评价体系,人们普遍对为扩大受众而开发的评价体系存有疑虑。对于大众媒体的评分标准有许多批评。批评的共识是,评分系统没有准确地描述观众。采样率误差,数据纳入的抽样分析方法的数据一直受到质疑(McDougall, 2013)。然而,尽管数字媒体测量受到许多批评,但从各种调查分析工具中发现某些结果是同质的。人们发现社交媒体改变了媒体内容的动态。数字媒体受众,尤其是社交媒体受众,对媒体所呈现的当前内容有着实质性的控制。


Conventionally mass media audiences were audiences who viewed TV and read print medium. Audience ratings regarding the different events portrayed were developed by measurable elements. Ratings were developed based on the media dynamics and audiences ideologies. Nielson ratings, TNS media intelligence is some of the ratings systems that have been used to comprehend about audience (Bury et al., 2013). Advent of Internet and Social media have given rise to a new class of audience known as the digital audience (McDougall, 2013). Using social network the modern day audience can relate and control the content of the media. They are allowed more autonomy to express their opinions and beliefs in this system. There has been increased interactivity using social media development. At any given point in time there is a need to measure the audience reaction to cater to the requirements.

From the past evaluator models to the current system of evaluation there have been general apprehensions about the systems that have been developed to scale the audience. There have been a number of critiques for the mass media ratings scale. Consensus of the critiques has been that the ratings system does not accurately portray the audience. Sampling rate error, data included in the sampling and analysis of the methodology of the data has been questioned (McDougall, 2013). Nevertheless in spite of many criticism of the digital media measurement certain results were found to be homogenous from various survey analytical tools. It has been found that social media has changed the dynamics of the media content. Digital media audience esp. social media audience has substantial control over the current content showcased in media.