


渔业是世界上最大的产业之一。根据粮农组织(粮农组织)最近的一项研究,到目前为止,44%的主要渔业资源已经被开发,因此,生产渔获物的最佳限度即将达到(Gulbrandsen, 2005)。过度的捕捞压力,导致过度捕捞成为行业经济和社会损失的原因。然而,仍然有一些储量丰富,不太可能在不久的将来耗尽,这些地区包括西和东印度洋北太平洋和西中太平洋(Gulbrandsen, 2005)。因此,过度捕捞是全球渔业成功的关键问题。全球渔业面临的另一个关键问题是内陆渔业的困境。内陆渔业资源正面临着水的生境的破坏和破碎化。资源的不专业和不当管理也是渔业未来面临的关键问题和重大挑战。

渔业缺乏沿海地区规划、资源管理、合理利用外业技术和适当的丢弃程序,这是阻碍渔业成功的主要问题。研究表明,从现在到2030年,全球将有大约15亿人向城市迁移(Basson, 2014)。城市人口的增加显然需要更多的建筑和基础设施、更多的食品工厂和更多的大规模机械。这将为全球钢铁生产创造强劲需求。然而,钢铁行业正面临并将在未来更多地面临一定的挑战,以满足需求。预计钢铁行业障碍的关键问题包括中国经济增长放缓(Basson, 2014)。中国是钢铁生产原料的大国。因此,中国经济增长放缓导致钢铁产能过剩。随着原材料需求的大幅增长,中国对原材料的定价也随之上调。


Fisheries make one of the biggest industries of the world. According to a recent study by FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization), 44 percent of the stock of major fisheries has been exploited until now therefore, optimum limit of producing catches is about to be reached (Gulbrandsen, 2005). The excessive pressure of fishing, resulting in overfishing becomes the reason of economic and social loss of the industry. However, there are still some stocks which are abundant and less likely to be depleted in near future, and these areas include West and East of Indian Ocean northern pacific and western central pacific (Gulbrandsen, 2005). Hence, overfishing is the key issue in success of fishery industry throughout the world.Other key issue faced by the global fishery industry is difficulty in inland fishery. Inland fishery resources are confronting destruction and fragmentation of habitats of water. Unprofessional and improper management of resources is also a key issue and a major challenge to the future of fishery industry.

Coastal area planning, resource management, proper use of technology in the field and suitable discarding procedures are lacking in the fishery industry which is a major issue against the success of industry.Studies have shown that around 1.5 billion people will be moving towards urban areas around the world from now till 2030 (Basson, 2014). Such increase in urban population will clearly call for more building and infrastructures, more food factories, and more mass machineries. This will create strong demand of steel production throughout the globe. However, steel industry is facing and will be more exposed to certain challenges in future to meet the need.The key issues which are expected to create barrier in steel industry include slowdown in economic slowdown of China’s growth (Basson, 2014). China is the country which excels in production of steel making raw material. Therefore, a slowdown in Chinese economic growth leads to the creation of excess capacity of steel making. While with the massive increase in demand in raw material, China has re-priced the raw material to increased rates.