





Marketing Strategic Drift as seen in the case of the Danish family owned business of Lego made it suffer marketing losses in the international community. At a time when other businesses were invested in marketing on the internet, CD-ROM games and more, Lego was seen to be left behind because of a strategic drift. People had less control on the type of toys that their children used and in such a time Lego not embracing the use of the internet and computer game themed


development was seen to suffer losses. In the early 2000’s Lego re-evaluated its strategy and moved on to include marketing based on internet usage, and technology usage. The company had suffered huge losses in 1998, and the reintroduction of marketing strategy with support from the internet and other technology reintroduced one year of profit in 2002, and in 2003 the company showed a sold loss of 3190 million, and had to retrench (Hollensen, 2011). The reasons cited for the losses were that the company in revamping its marketing strategy had lost focus on the traditional pedagogical concept that Lego is famous for. The core concept of Lego is the unique customized product it offers, in changing marketing to meet the selling aspects set out by other competitors, Lego did not focus on its strong product (Hollensen, 2011).
Lego attempted to change this failed marketing attempt in 2004 when the company once again went back LEGO is now returning to its former concept. This strategy has helped Lego in the past years and its net profits have increased and have become more sustainable (Hollensen, 2011).