







这项研究正在对两家英国中小型企业进行。这些企业是云端组织和凤凰合作伙伴。选择这些组织的原因是,这两个组织都在2013年排名第一,但与TPP在1998年推出的Cloud Reach组织相比,TPP的流失率非常低,而Cloud Reach于2009年推出,组织在同一层面上。


In small and medium businesses, employee flow management is a specific challenge for the years. Small and medium businesses often work with a limited budget, an archaic system, and high turnover. This is the reason these small and medium businesses take plunge in innovative approaches for employee flow management. As said, ‘A Smarter workforce makes smarter business’, therefore in small and medium businesses workforce or employee flow management is extremely important. Employee flow management system comes under the human resource management.


Human resource management encompasses those activities designed to provide for and coordinate human resources in an organization (Bishwajeet, 2012). People are an organization’s asset. Employees must be hired, satisfied, motivated, developed, and retained.  In the small and medium enterprises human resource development plays a vital role in growth of the organization. A company’s growth mostly on its human resources because that is only self-operative resource of an organization other resources like machinery etc. are operated by human resources only.

Human resource development manages all the human resource activities, like recruitment, training and assessment etc. according to the need of an organization and in the small and medium enterprises it is very necessary to manage human resource activities. It can be said by investing a little money in HRD can save a lot in future. Thus HRD will be appropriate for saving money with increasing turnover rate in the SME’s.


This research is being conducted on two small and medium enterprises of the U.K.Those enterprises are Cloud Reach Organization and The Phoenix Partners. The reason of choosing these organization are both the organizations are ranked on top in 2013 but the turnover rates of the TPP is very less in comparison to the Cloud Reach organization as the TPP was introduced in 1998 and Cloud Reach was introduced in 2009 but both the organizations are on the same level.