



可持续城市交通要想保持可持续,就需要稳定,满足于不持续的投资,并反复尝试改变集体公民的良知,以采用可持续的出行措施。这些可以通过影响公民的步行习惯、在城市中规划自我可持续和自我实现的集群来实现,并将反车辆流动作为优先事项。例如,从工业化时代开始,孟买一直在不断地增加新的火车、公共汽车、道路、汽车车道、道路拓宽和城市公共交通系统。这从来没有结束,随着一个新的城市交通服务的委托,需要另一个,而另一个站在要求(Knox和McCarthy, 2012)。这不是可持续的城市交通系统,因为孟买当局从来没有考虑过限制移民的可能性,并尝试在印度各地实现相应的城市发展。当按比例进行城市发展时,从农村到城市的移民流动就会停止或减少,城市交通系统的负担也会减轻。此外,土地划分的无序性,进一步加剧了城市流动性问题,对城市交通系统提出了另一种需求。

在另一项关于紧凑城市奥斯陆的研究中,人们注意到,如果不不断改进、修正和改善土地使用特点,所有提供城市交通的努力都是不足的。也许,它的执行不当且不平衡。由于人们认为奥斯陆人口稠密地区对汽车的依赖程度较低,闲暇时间水平较高,因此郊区的交通和机动性最高(Holden and Norland, 2005)。这否定了一个假设的真实性,即在人口密集的城市,接近日常服务将减少旅行时间。事实上,这些问题是由于缺乏规划远见和增长模式不均衡造成的。对于在人口密集的城市中旅行时间较短的概念,一直有完全不同的批评(Williams, 2016)。奥斯陆表明,可持续的城市交通也许并不是解决交通问题的确切答案。当分散的集中在城市发展中主导了规划师的良知,目光从感知和即将出现的城市交通问题及其不稳定的本质上撤退。在理想的情况下,城市交通必须在很长一段时间内保持可观的水平,但如果不能实现可持续发展,就不存在实现其目标的问题。城市交通总是内在地体现在土地利用规划、城市规划、交通规划和城市发展规划中。因此,当城市规划者违背流动性逻辑,对城市规划进行修改,导致流动性规划的随意性时,城市交通永远是不可持续和不合理的。

Up until now, every urban city, having grown from the industrial past and the antiquate imperial, has been addressing problems as they arise. Fortunately, the authorities and urban cities have been addressing perceived challenges or urban cities, urban sprawl, urban transport system, which the land use zoning and model plan development of urban cities. If the only progress is to identify problems, provide solutions, identify perceived problems and provide suitable solutions, then there could be no end to such a monotonous movement of problems and solutions. The authorities in such situations shall become either redundant or incompetent to handle the rise of overcomplicated problems.

For sustainable urban transport to remain sustainable, it needs to stabilize, remain content without continuous investment, and attempt repeatedly to change the collective citizen conscience to adopt sustainable measures of mobility. These can be done by influencing citizen habits of walking, planning self-sustainable and self-fulfilling clusters within urban cities, and make anti-vehicular mobility a priority. As for example, the urban city of Mumbai has been relentlessly adding new trains, buses, roads, automobile lanes, road widening, and mass transit urban transport systems from the industrialization era. This has never ended, and as a new urban transport offering is commissioned, a need for another one, and yet another ones stands demanded (Knox and McCarthy, 2012). This is not sustainable urban transport system, because Mumbai authorities have never been enlightened to think about the possibility of capping migrants and giving a shot to proportionate urban development across India. When proportionate urban development is executed, migrant movement from rural to urban cities is halted or diminished, and the burden on urban transport system reduces. In addition, land zoning is without order, which further fuels the problems of urban mobility, raising another demand of urban transport system.

In another study of a compact city, Oslo, it was noticed that without continuous refinement, correction, improvement of land use characteristics, all efforts of urban transport provision have been just undersupplied. Perhaps, it has been improperly and unevenly executed. Since densely populated areas in Oslo were assumed to be less automobile dependent and represented higher level of leisure time, the suburban areas showed the highest amount of transport and mobility (Holden and Norland, 2005). This nullifies the authenticity of the assumption that proximity to everyday services in a densely populated city would reduce travel time. In fact, such issues arise of the lack of planning foresight and uneven growth patterns. Critiques have always been in complete disagreement of this notion of less travel time in densely populated cities (Williams, 2016). Oslo showed that sustainable urban transport is perhaps not the definite answer to the consistent problem of mobility. When decentralized concentration in urban development dominates the conscience of planners, the eye withdraws from the perceived and forthcoming problems of urban transport and its unstable nature. When urban transport is not, in ideal terms, sustainable, which must remain substantial for a long period, there be no question of fulfilling its objective. Urban transport is always inherently embodied in the land use plan, city planning, mobility planning, and in the city growth plans. Hence, when city planners defy the mobility logic and make amendments to city plans that results in haphazard planning of mobility, urban transport shall always remain unsustainable and unjustified.
