
美国 代写:拉瓦锡的实验

美国 代写:拉瓦锡的实验

实际问题需要妥善处理。这是拉瓦锡所考虑的有关方面之一。在此之后,拉瓦锡考虑的另一个重要问题是在燃烧过程中起重要作用的热量问题。在燃烧过程中,拉瓦锡还关注在高温下氢和氧的测量,这实际上有助于燃烧过程(Chemheritage.org, 2015)。他对此做了一些计算,也做了一些额外的计算。他重新设计了实验,用这种方法,他做了一些额外的假设,他可以给化学定量形式带来新的面貌。几年后,拉瓦锡在汞和其他类型钙的帮助下进行了同样的实验。在那里,他发现空气不是唯一的东西,它使事物变得沉重,同时,他观察到两个最重要的因素(PERRIN, 1990)。一种是金属,它与金属结合,以支持呼吸的过程。另一方面,另一种是窒息剂,它不支持任何呼吸或燃烧过程(Perrin, 2014)。
几年之后,他发现大部分的化学物质都是由这种空气构成的,他把这种空气称为氧气。他已经将结果展示给了皇家科学院(Lindberg, 1996)。他发现燃素在自然界是虚构的,而在他的理论中,氧起着更大的作用。在18世纪中期,很重要的是要看到发生了什么,什么是有效的产出时,什么是燃烧(克罗斯兰,1980年)。经过一段时间后,人们观察到水是氧气和空气的混合物。不易燃的空气可称为氢气。之后,他将水分解成两部分(拉瓦锡,2012)。一种是氧气,另一种是不易燃的空气。他的主要目标是消除所有阻碍科学进步的问题。在做了一些实验之后,Robert Boyle和Lavoisier发现了一些简单的文章或者化合物,在他们的帮助下,他们可以预测这些化学物质的组成。

美国 代写:拉瓦锡的实验

The practical problems need to be dealt properly. It is one of the concerned aspects that Lavoisier has considered. After this, another important thing that has been considered by Lavoisier is the matter of heat which plays an important role in the combustion process. In the combustion process, Lavoisier is also concerned about the measurements of hydrogen as well as the oxygen in the heat which actually helps in the combustion process (Chemheritage.org, 2015). He made some of the calculations regarding this and also has made some of the additional calculations with this. He has redesigned the experiments and in this way, he has made some of the additional assumptions where he could be able to give the new face to the quantitative form of the chemistry.After some years, the same experiment has been performed by Lavoisier with the help of the mercury and the other types of calces. There he found that air is not the only thing, which makes the things weighty and at the same time, he has observed two most important factors (PERRIN, 1990). One is the metal which has been combined with the metal in order to support the process of respiration. On the other hand, the other one is asphyxiant which does not support any of the processes of respiration or the combustion (Perrin, 2014).
After some of the years, he has discovered that most of the chemicals consist of this air and he termed that air as oxygen. He has shown the result to the Academy of Royal Sciences (Lindberg, 1996). He has discovered the fact that phlogiston is imaginary in nature and in his theory oxygen plays a greater role. In the mid of the 18th century, it is very important to see what is happening and what is the effective output when something is burning (Crosland, 1980). After some of the time, it has been observed that the water is a mixture of both of the oxygen and the air. The non-flammable air may be termed as the hydrogen gas. After this, he has decomposed the water into two parts (Lavoisier, 2012). One is in oxygen and the other is non- flammable air. His main aim is to get rid of all the problems that have been creating a delay in the advancement of the science. After making some experiments, Robert Boyle and Lavoisier have discovered some of the simple articles or the compounds with the help of which, they can be able to predict the composition of the chemicals.