


阿里特斯,J.和Walker R.(2014)、“多元文化团体的领导风格: 美国人和亚洲人一起工作”。国际商务沟通  2014年1月51日记: 72-92,





Aritz, J. and Walker R. (2014), “Leadership Styles in Multicultural Groups: Americans and East Asians Working Together”. International Journal of Business Communication January 2014 51: 72-92,

The article elaborates the discussion of Leadership style in various cultural groups across the world and how people from America and East Asia have collaborated and synergized their business operations. Aritz and Walker have noted that there is a great difference in leadership style and business culture in Asia as well as USA which is quite intriguing from a neutral’s perspective. The core emphasis of the essay is on research methodology and they have summarized the main research results.

Aritz and Walker have noted that Leadership can have a crucial impact on the overall outcome of not only a company but the whole nation or region. Many of the points made by Aritz and Walker are based on empirical analysis and we should applaud them for the way they have integrated profitability with leadership and how they have measured the success of the regions through their leadership potential. Throughout their research, the authors have discussed on the fact that differing leadership styles may have a significant impact on the participation as well as contribution of fellow members and it may affect the feelings of happiness or belonging within a group. Their results also provide solid evidence that some of the most successful styles of leadership may not be successful in other cultural groups.

Overall, Aritz and Walker have done a commanding job of highlighting the importance of leadership and have been able to reveal that the success and failure of corporations depends heavily on leadership. The research is quite valid and very subjective and by reading the article by Aritz and Walker, one can conclude and feel inspired for further investigation regarding the importance of Leadership in the area of business management.