





职业和环境项目丰富和发展员工的价值主张,帮助员工管理他们的职业生涯,并在工作环境中高效工作(Sachs, Warner, Aslund and Fischer, 1995)。总奖励系统有五个组成部分。薪酬:薪酬是激励员工更好地表现的奖励。财务薪酬包括工资、奖金和其他激励措施,而非财务薪酬包括奖励、考核、奖励、嘉奖、表扬、认可。它激励员工把他们最好的工作和组织(Kim, Park and Prescott, 2003)。认可:员工为实现工作目标和任务付出了大量的努力和努力。现在的员工需要认可和赞赏。他们希望自己的努力得到组织的认可。越来越多的人要求创造一种“认可文化”的环境。


好处:它们在本质上不是金钱。福利包括带薪假期,带薪假期,健康保险,产假。它还包括法律规定的最低要求,如医疗保险、失业和社会保障(Chen and Hsieh, 2006)。工作与生活的平衡:员工希望在他们的职业和个人爱好之间保持平衡。人们越来越需要工作和生活的平衡。组织也采用策略为员工提供工作和生活的平衡。例如:弹性工作周,在家工作等等(Allen, 2001)。发展:员工寻求职业成长和发展。组织应该为员工提供机会,让他们可以探索不同的领域,提升自己的事业。所有这些组成部分都很重要。他们提高员工的表现,帮助组织成长。


Workforce programs should be regarded as a group of integrated investments which have distinct but interrelated purposes and desirable outcomes. By making this change, foundation is set and three steps are necessarily taken to satisfy cost and talent objectives: the first step is to accurately define and estimate the size of total investment in workforce programs. The second step is to emphasize on improving value-to-cost relationship by assigning the desired total investment. The last step involves creating a framework which helps adapting swiftly and efficiently to changes business strategy and activities as well as workforce composition across countries, over time and employee segments.Workforce programs are divided into three categories which emphasize on how employees view their rewards. Foundational programs are given to employees because they are part of the organisation. Performance-based programs are given for high and excellent performance. It motivates the employees to improve their performance.

Career and environmental programs enrich and develop the employee value propositions and assist employees in managing their careers as well as work efficiently in work environment (Sachs, Warner, Åslund and Fischer, 1995). There are five components of total rewards system. Compensation: Compensation is rewards that motivate employees to perform better. Financial compensation incorporates salary and pay, bonus, and other incentives, whereas non-financial compensation includes rewards, appraisal, awards, citation, praise, recognition. It motivates employee to give their best to the job and organization (Kim, Park and Prescott, 2003).Recognition: Employees put in a lot of efforts and hard work to achieve the goals and tasks of their job. Employees, nowadays, have need for recognition and appreciation. They want their effort to be recognized by the organization. There is an increased demand for creating an environment of “recognition culture.”

Benefits: They are not monetary in nature. Benefits include paid leaves, paid vacation, health insurance, maternal leave. It also includes the legally-mandated minimum requirements such as medicare, unemployment, and social security (Chen and Hsieh, 2006). Work life balance: Employees want to maintain a balance between their professional and personal loves. There is an increasing demand for work life balance. Organizations are also employing strategies to provide work life balance to employees. Example: flexible work week, work from home, etc. (Allen, 2001).Development: Employees seek career growth and development. Organisations should provide opportunities to employees where they can explore different domains and enhance their career. All these components are important. They enhance employee’s performance and help organization grow.