


In the earlier part of twentieth century, it was decided to recreate the park by adding a number of other facilities. A playground was created in the park and the old rectangular reservoir was replaced by a great lawn. After this, a civic plaza and promenade was created which connected the two museums in the eastern and western borders of the park. After this, another major change was proposed in the year 1934 to create a new centralized city wide park system (Collinge, 1996). A large number of reforms were introduced in the period after this, including the renovation of the zoo, realignment of the drives, addition of new fields for athletes, a new skating rink, the lasker rink and a pool, many new boathouses and houses for chess and checkers.
On the other, there have been tremendous changes in the Yellowstone national park. Around 640,000 years back, this area had a sudden explosion leading the devastation of landscape. This led to the flowing of the ash and smouldering caldera at the centre. The park faced a major blow in 1988 due to fire in many sections.

Thus Central park was the symbol for the urban revival and also the counterculture. The culture of the park also welcomed each and every person regardless of their race, rank or wealth. At the European style entrances of the park, it was written that everyone is welcome in the park (Rosenzweig, R. and Blackmar, 1992).
Some of the key attractions of the park included the 36 bridges, the Bethesda fountain, the composed view of woodland, landscaped cemeteries including Mount Auburn and Green Wood. One of the influential attractions at the park was the separate circulation system for the pedestrians, the horseback riders and the pleasure vehicles.
The culture in Yellowstone national park is full of rich stories. It has been used by many tribes and bands before its establishment. It has been an important artistic heritage as well and it has also become the source of understanding and preserving other parks in the world through the artistic works in the park.

Thus, it can be concluded that central park in USA has a rich landscape and is known for its garden art and landscape architecture. In this essay, the discussion has been done on the history of landscape architecture in Central Park, New York. The analysis has been done for the geomorphology of the park, its topology, climate zone, water source, physical geography, culture in the park, geographical changes over the time. The central park consists of a beautiful landscape and garden art and it has been modified from time to time.

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