




Many more reasons were proposed by the state to oppose the act, like;
Inaccuracy: as the law states that insurance premium will drop on average $2500 for each family, it cannot be true as many families are already insured; their premium will not be lessened as a result of the implementation of this act. Only new insured individuals would be benefitted and those who are already insured would be left.
Dependency: individuals will not be responsible for their expenses rather they government budget would be affected as a result of provisions of subsidies, ultimately increasing the burden on the budget.
Liability: it was estimated that bill will cost around $900 billion for the first decade but as a year passed, this amount was revised and new set amount was said to be more than $1 trillion, which is more than 50% increase in the initial estimate of the costs. Estimate is continuously rising and it is expected that the cost would be around $2.6 trillion for the next decade.
Discontinuity: private insurance market will be destructed and private insurance companies would ultimately close their doors because pre-existing conditions’ individuals cannot get insurance and this will raise the cost of the insurance companies. They will not be able to make profits out of the premiums. They would not be able to determine the premium on the basis of the pre-existing conditions. Companies would not be allowed to deny their coverage at all.
Predictability: as private insurance company would not exist or would be very less, more responsibility of proving health care facilities to the individuals would be entirely be on federal government. As this is mandatory, the cost of providing the facilities will rise as almost everyone would have federal government’s insurance. All these things will lower the quality of health care facilities for the public, poor quality than it is today.