



消极状态救济模型认为,人们之所以会采取亲社会行为,是因为通过为他人服务和同情他人的需求,他们会减少自己的消极状态。通过参与亲社会行为,行为可以改善一个人的负面情绪。在共情快乐假说中,帮助他人对帮助者有积极影响。这一理论的一个重要含义是,从事这种行为的人意识到,她通过帮助别人做了一件很好的工作(Baron & Branscombe, 2013)。

竞争利他主义理论认为,人们从事亲社会行为是因为这能提高他们的地位和声誉。因此,亲社会行为对参与其中的人是有用的和有益的。从进化的角度来理解亲社会行为被称为亲缘选择理论。亲缘选择理论认为,人们更愿意帮助与自己有直接关系的人,如近亲和朋友(Baron & Branscombe, 2013)。

Prosocial behaviours are those behaviours which have been intended to help and benefit other people. People who engage in prosocial behaviours show concern for other’s feelings, rights, emotions and welfare. Prosocial behaviours in other words are helping behaviours that aim to benefit others without directly benefitting the person performing them. Some common prosocial behaviours include concern for others and empathy.

There are several theories that explain this behaviour of people. Theories of prosocial behaviour us understand why people engage in prosocial behaviours and what their motives are. According to the empathy altruism hypothesis, people engage in prosocial behaviours because they want to assist others. Prosocial behaviours are motivated solely by need to help others.

Negative-state relief model states that people engage in prosocial behaviour because by doing service for others and being empathetic towards needs of others, they reduce their own negative state. By engaging in prosocial, behaviours improve the negative mood of the person. The empathetic-joy hypothesis, aiding others has a positive effect on the helper. An important implication of this theory is that the person who is engaging in this type of behaviour is aware that she did a good job by helping others (Baron & Branscombe, 2013).

The competitive altruism theory states that people engage in prosocial behaviours because it boosts their status and reputation. Prosocial behaviours, therefore, is useful and beneficial for the person engaging in them. The evolutionary perspective to understand prosocial behaviour is referred to as kin-selection theory. The kin selection theories states that people are more willing to assist people who are directly related to them, for example, close relatives and friends (Baron & Branscombe, 2013).
